Rodeo is a static site generator (SSG) that builds a gallery of your collected and created NFTs to showcase on your website.
Use the giddyup package to start the installation process
npm -i giddyup
Enter project details
cd myproject
yarn dev
And you have your server up and running on http://localhost:8080
Edit the template in ./site and your changes will automatically be updated.
Additional documentation can be found at
After launching it for the first time and authenticating with your wallet, Rodeo fetches all of the pictures and various metadata for the collection of NFTs stored in it.
Rodeo uses WalletConnect to quickly fetch data for all of the assets stored in the authenticated wallet. Note: we only link to those assets and do not in any way interact with them such that they could become lost, traded, stolen, etc.
Once a wallet is set up, you can choose which assets to display—by default Token Rodeo will display all of them.
After picking which assets you want to display in your gallery, you can choose a theme that best showcases your work. You'll be set up with our default initially, but there will be more themes to choose from in the future.
With assets and a theme selected, Rodeo will generate your custom static site which can be quickly deployed on a hosting service of your choosing (our pick for this is Netlify). It's all compiled with the Eleventy static site generator and is designed for a super clean and fast experience for your viewers.