iancullinane06 / BTYSTE2025

The goal of this project is to leverage machine learning techniques for environmental monitoring and analysis using image data.
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This is the repository for my project for BTYSTE (the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition). The goal of this project is to leverage machine learning techniques for environmental monitoring and analysis using image data. Specifically, I focus on the tasks of semantic segmentation and classification to identify specific plant species and detect forest fires. The datasets utilized in this project include those generously supplied by Coillte, the ADE20K dataset, and several others.



Methods & Prototypes

The project is structured around two main components: semantic segmentation and classification.

Semantic Segmentation

Classification with ResNet

Python Libraries Used

Ensure you have these libraries installed. You can download them using pip3.


To set up the project environment, you can create a virtual environment and install the required libraries:

# Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv skysci-env

# Activate the virtual environment
source skysci-env/bin/activate  # On Windows use `skysci-env\Scripts\activate`

# Install the required libraries
pip3 install opencv-python mediapipe pandas numpy scikit-learn seaborn matplotlib joblib torch tensorflow keras python-dotenv tifffile