The code here transforms XML files for conference calls supplied by Thomson Reuters into structured tables in a PostgreSQL database.
To use this code you will need a few things.
and a role streetevents
. The following SQL does
this:CREATE SCHEMA streetevents;
CREATE ROLE streetevents;
CREATE ROLE streetevents_access;
: The host address of the PostgreSQL database server.PGDATABASE
: The name of the PostgreSQL database.SE_DIR
: The path to the directory containing the .xml
(optional): The default is your log-in ID; if that's not correct, set this variable.PGPASSWORD
(optional): This is not the recommended way to set your password, but is one
, stringr
, dplyr
, parallel
, RPostgreSQL
, digest
To process the core tables, the three code files below need to be run in the following order:
extracts details about the files associated with each call (e.g., mtime
) and puts it in streetevents.call_files
extracts call-level data (e.g., ticker, call time, call type) and puts it in streetevents.calls
parse the speaker-level data from the XML call files and puts it
in streetevents.speaker_data
.The script
runs the three code files.
Primary key is (file_name, last_update). This table contains metadata on the calls (e.g., event description, company name, city, start time).
Primary key is (file_name, last_update). This table contains data on company identifiers. Note that we only have these variables for data supplied through the UniMelb subscription. Because StreetEvents deletes data for companies that cease to exist, older data of these companies has been retained, but these files do not have company IDs (such as CUSIP, ISIN).
Primary key is (file_name, last_update, speaker_number, context, section), where context is either "pres" (presentation) or "qa" (questions and answers) and section is an integer that is used to distinguish portions of the call where there are multiple presentation and Q&A portions of the call (with speaker_number starting from 1 in each new section).
This section is for more advanced users wating to download and process the data.
rsync -avz $USER@ $SE_DIR