ianllewellyn / modernizr-brunch

Adds automatic modernizr builds to brunch
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Modernizr builder for brunch. Automatically generates you a custom modernizr build including any Modernizr tests in your brinch project.


npm install --save modernizr-brunch


Configuration is handled using brunch config plugin options.

destination (string, optional)

The output location of your generated modernizr file relative to the root of your public dir (the same as joinTo paths).

Default: {config.paths.public}/modernizr.js.

options (array, optional)

Modernizr options. Setting this will replace the default values. Check the modernizr builder for possble values, it is not very well explained.

Default: [ 'html5shiv', 'addTest', 'setClasses' ]

tests (array, optional)

Any tests that you want to include in the modernizr file. You might need this if for some reason your project used modernizr tests that can not be picked up automatically.

All Modernizr tests

excludeTests (array, optional)

Any tests that you want to explicitly exclude from the build. Most useful for css classes that match modernizr test names.

Example brunch-config.coffee

            destination: 'javascripts/modernizr.js'
            options: [
            tests: [
            excludeTests: [