ianmccurry11 / TODO_List

307 TODO List group project with Nathan, Jacob, Ishan, and Ian
1 stars 1 forks source link

Project Mission

For individuals who thrive in organized environments, Mission Log is here for you! Mission Log aims to create a fun experience for individuals looking to escape the monotony that Apple Reminders and Google Tasks has to offer. Through lifetime user metrics and rewarding UI, Mission Log helps users stay engaged and productive.

View our application:


Mission Log UI Prototype

(Last edited Nov. 27 2023): UI Prototype


Mission Log uses the same settings for ESLint and Prettier for both the frontend and the backend.

Mission Log uses the Airbnb styleguide (found here: https://airbnb.io/javascript/react/)

Suggested extensions (for VSCode):

  1. ESlint extension
  2. Prettier extension

Setting up program to format on save:

  1. Open command palette using Ctrl + Shift + P or Command + Shift + P.
  2. Type User Settings.
  3. Click on "Preferences: Open User Settings".
  4. Type "Format on Save" into the search bar.
  5. Check the checkbox.

Mission Log Diagrams:

Attached below is our class diagrams




Deployment Status
