ianremmler / shor

Simple hierarchical ordered representation for data.
MIT License
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description: "Simple hierarchical ordered representation for data"

features: {
    "Humans and machines can read and write it"
    "One container type with list and key/value features"
    "Keys can be repeated"
    "Order is significant"
    "Simple type system"

# Some examples of usage.  Details below.  Yay, comments are allowed!

examples: { # End of line comments work, too.
    list: {"red" "yellow" "blue"}
    keyval: {
        type: "name tag"
        name: "Bort"
        stock-count: 0
        restock: true
    mixed: {
        "naked value"
        answer: 42
        answer: "I already told you, it's 42!"
        nested: {neato:true woo:"hoo"}
    matrix: {{1 0 0 0}
             {0 1 0 0}
             {0 0 0 0}
             {0 0 1 0}}

go-get-it: "go get github.com/ianremmler/shor/..."

I wasn't satisfied with the languages available for representing data in a way that is easy for machines to understand, and more importantly, that is nice for people to work with.

JSON came close, but its top level brackets or braces, quoted keys, unordered maps, compulsory commas (but not after the last thing, even if you want to), and lack of comments made me a bit sad.

YAML is quite readable. You can simulate an ordered key/value list with an array where each element is a map with a single key/value pair, but it's kludgey. The biggest drawback of YAML is complexity - its spec is more than 80 pages long.

TOML addresses some of these issues. It's more readable than JSON and simpler than YAML. It does have its quirks, though. On one hand it has a first class time type, but on the other it does not allow scientific notation for floats. Arrays must be homogeneous. Maps have an INI-style syntax (which you may or may not prefer - I do not) and are unordered.

So I decided to make my own data language - a simple hierarchical ordered representation - SHOR for short.


A SHOR document is list of nodes. There are no curly braces around the list as there are for all other SHOR lists, hopefully improving readability and conciseness.



A list is an container of 0 or more nodes, surrounded by curly braces. The nodes are ordered, and more than one may use the same key. Because of this, they do not map directly to the typical unordered map in may programming languages. SHOR is optimized for human intelligibility, and this trade off means implementations might be a bit more complicated, but it's worth it.


A node consists of an optional key, followed by a ':', and a required value. The value may be a list or any of the basic value types.


A Unicode letter, possibly followed by Unicode letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores.



The shor command parses input and dumps it back out with configurable formatting.


See the example directory for some files translated to SHOR from other formats, and example/query.go which demonstrates how to use the library to parse a document and query the result.

Go get it

go get github.com/ianremmler/shor/...