ibaiGorordo / ONNX-YOLOv8-Instance-Segmentation

Python scripts performing Instance Segmentation using the YOLOv8 model in ONNX.
MIT License
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computer-vision deep-learning instance-segmentation onnx onnxruntime opencv python segmentation yolov8

ONNX YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation

Python scripts performing instance segmentation using the YOLOv8 model in ONNX.

! ONNX YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation Original image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Giraffes_at_west_midlands_safari_park.jpg




git clone https://github.com/ibaiGorordo/ONNX-YOLOv8-Instance-Segmentation.git
cd ONNX-YOLOv8-Instance-Segmentation
pip install -r requirements.txt

ONNX Runtime

For Nvidia GPU computers: pip install onnxruntime-gpu

Otherwise: pip install onnxruntime

ONNX model

You can convert the Pytorch model to ONNX using the following Google Colab notebook: Open In Colab

Original YOLOv8 model

The original YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation model can be found in this repository: YOLOv8 Instance Segmentation

