ibebbs / Caliburn.Micro.Reactive.Extensions

Rx based extensions for Caliburn Micro
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Rx based extensions for Caliburn Micro - cogenity MyGet Build Status

A few constructs that allow the developer to write less code, in a more declarative manner resulting in less bugs and better performance. The classes are similar in nature to those found in ReactiveUI but are simpler (relying on the developer composing higher-order functionality rather than trying to build it in) and tied to Caliburn Micro (mostly as it is my MVVM framework of choice and provides a convenient extension interfaces - namely INotifyPropertyChangedEx).


The following view model demonstrates the use of ObservableProperty and ObservableCommand classes by implementing a typical 'log in' dialog. In the dialog, the user can cancel the log in process at any time, but can only attempt to log in once a username and password have been entered.

using System;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Windows.Input;

namespace Caliburn.Micro.Reactive.Extensions.Example
    public class ShellViewModel : PropertyChangedBase, IShell 
        private ObservableProperty<string> _username;
        private ObservableProperty<string> _password;

        private ObservableCommand _logInCommand;
        private ObservableCommand _cancelCommand;

        public ShellViewModel()
            _username = new ObservableProperty<string>(this, () => Username);
            _password = new ObservableProperty<string>(this, () => Password);

            _logInCommand = new ObservableCommand(CanLogIn, ExecuteLogIn);
            _cancelCommand = new ObservableCommand(ExecuteCancel);

        private IObservable<bool> CanLogIn
                return _username.Values.CombineLatest(
                    (username, password) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(password)

        private void ExecuteLogIn(object param)
            // Perform log in

        private void ExecuteCancel(object param)
            // Cancel log in

        public ICommand LogInCommand
            get { return _logInCommand; }

        public ICommand CancelCommand
            get { return _cancelCommand; }

        public string Username
            get { return _username.Get(); }
            set { _username.Set(value); }

        public string Password
            get { return _password.Get(); }
            set { _password.Set(value); }



The ObservableProperty class is much like a dependency property. It is declared in place of a backing field, starts with a specific default value, has get and set methods to change the current value, is typically exposed as a property and automatically handles property change notifications. On top of this, ObservableProperty instances are generic (removing the awful casting you need with DependencyProperty getters) and expose IObservable of values which can be used to compose functionality in the UI.


The ObservableCommand class implements ICommand and can therefore be bound directly to controls in the UI. It takes an IObservable as a constructor parameter which it uses to determine whether the command is currently enabled or not (no need for nasty 'NotifyCanxecuteHasChanged' methods). It exposes an IObservable that emits a value (the command parameter value) when the command is executed. Alternatively, an Action can be specified in the constructor which will also be called whenever the command is executed.


ObservableEvents is a collection of extension methods for exposing Caliburn / WPF events as observable sequences. For example 'FromPropertyChanged' maps the PropertyChangedEvent from any class implementing INotifyPropertyChanged to an IObservable'.


  • Tests!
  • Exposing Conductor / Screen events as Observable sequences

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