ibm-research / swifthlm

SwiftHLM - a middleware for using OpenStack Swift with tape and other hight latency media storage backends
Apache License 2.0
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=============================================== SwiftHLM (Swift Hight-Latency Media) middleware

(C) Copyright 2016 IBM Corp.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");

you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at



Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,



See the License for the specific language governing permissions and

limitations under the License.

Version: 0.2.2


Slavisa Sarafijanovic ( Harald Seipp (


  1. Description (Function Overview)

  2. Requirements

  3. Install

  4. Configure

  5. Activate

  6. HLM Backend

  7. External Interface and Usage Examples

  8. Desing/internals Overview

  9. References

  10. Description (Function Overview)

SwiftHLM is useful for running OpenStack Swift on top of high latency media (HLM) storage, such as tape or optical disk archive based backends, allowing to store cheaply and access efficiently large amounts of infrequently used object data.

SwiftHLM can be added to OpenStack Swift (without modifying Swift itself) to extend Swift's interface and thus allow to explicitly control and query the state (on disk or on HLM) of Swift objects data, including efficient prefetch of bulk of objects from HLM to disk when those objects need to be accessed. This function previously missing in Swift can be seen similar to Amazon Glacier [1], either through the Glacier API or the Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management API [2].

BDT Tape Library Connector (open source) [3] and IBM Spectrum Archive [4] are examples of HLM backends that provide important and complex functions to manage HLM resources (tape mounts/unmounts to drives, serialization of requests for tape media and tape drives resources) and can use SwiftHLM functions for a proper integration with Swift.

Access to data stored on HLM could be done transparently, without using SwiftHLM, but that does not work well in practice for many important use cases and for various reasons as discussed in [5]. In [5] it is also explained how SwiftHLM function can be orthogonal and complementary to Swift (ring to ring) tiering [6].

SwiftHLM version 0.2.2 provides the following basic HLM functions on the external Swift interface:

MIGRATE and RECALL are asynchronous operations, meaning that the request from user is queued and user's call is responded immediately, then the request is processed as a background task. Requests are currently processed in a FIFO manner (scheduling optimizations are future work). REQUESTS and STATUS are synchronous operations that block the user's call until the queried information is collected and returned.

Detailed (still exemplary and not standardized) syntax and usage examples are provided below in section "7. External Interface and Usage Examples".

For each of these functions, SwiftHLM Middleware invokes additional SwiftHLM components to perform the task, which includes calls to HLM storage backend, for which a generic backend interface is defined below in section "6. HLM Backend". Description of other components is provided in the header of the implementation file for each component.

  1. Requirements ===============================================
  1. Install

    Get code, e.g.: git clone

    Install: cd swifthlm python install

  2. Configure

4.1. Configure SwiftHLM middleware to work with Swift

a) If Swift is installed from source Modify Swift's configuration file /etc/swift/proxy-server.conf to include hlm middleware. In section [pipeline:main] add hlm keyword into pipeline, e.g.:

  pipeline = catch_errors gatekeeper healthcheck proxy-logging cache bulk tempurl formpost slo dlo ratelimit tempauth hlm staticweb container-quotas account-quotas proxy-logging proxy-server

Add a new section:
  # High latency media (hlm) middleware
  use = egg:swifthlm#swifthlm
  set log_level = INFO
  #set log_level = DEBUG

b) If Swift installed as part of Spectrum Scale 4.2.1 and later:

# mmces service stop OBJ --all

Retrieve your current Swift middleware pipeline setting:
# mmobj config list --ccrfile proxy-server.conf --section pipeline:main --property pipeline

Example output for the previous command:
pipeline = healthcheck cache formpost tempurl swift3 s3token authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas staticweb bulk slo dlo proxy-server

Edit content of swifthlm/config/proxy-server.conf.merge to match the
previous pipeline configuration and add 'hlm' before 'proxy-server'. E.g.
for the above listed previous pipeline configuration, after editing the
line that configures the pipeline should look like:

pipeline =  healthcheck cache formpost tempurl swift3 s3token authtoken keystoneauth container-quotas account-quotas staticweb bulk slo dlo hlm proxy-server

To write back the configuration and register the swifthlm middleware, run:
# mmobj config change --ccrfile proxy-server.conf --merge-file /tmp/proxy-server.conf.merge

4.2 Configure passwordless ssh from Swift Proxy and SwiftHLM Dispatcher nodes to Swift storage nodes, for the user used to run Swift and SwiftHLM processes, steps 4.2.1 - 4.2.2. This is typically swift user, but can also be stack user (in devstack deployments) or any other user. Normally this user is not a privileged user and cannot execute privileged operations.

4.2.1 Make sure the user from 4.2 is allowed ssh login.

E.g. if this user is swift, and if swift user entry in /etc/passwd is:
swift:x:160:160:OpenStack Swift Daemons:/var/lib/swift:/sbin/nologin
... modify it to:
swift:x:160:160:OpenStack Swift Daemons:/var/lib/swift:/bin/bash

(Note: a possible future improvement is to move SwiftHLM Handler function
from the remotely invokable pythyon module into a remotely accesible service
running on a proxy node, and thus avoid need to allow swift user ssh login.)

4.2.2 Setup key-based ssh for the user from 4.2:

4.3 Register SwiftHLM Dispatcher with systemd:

cp swifthlm/config/swifthlm.dispatcher.service /etc/systemd/system/swifthlm.dispatcher.service

If the user from 4.2 is not swift user:
- edit /etc/systemd/system/swifthlm.dispatcher.service, line "User=swift",
and replace swift with the user from 4.2 
Note: if you further change this file upon the dispatcher service is 
is started, run 'systemctl daemon-reload' for the change to take effect

4.4 Configure SwiftHLM to use a specific connector/backend:

More information about integrating and configuring HLM backends is provided
in Section 6. HLM Backend. 

If SwiftHLM is not configured to use a specific connector/backend, a dummy
connector/backend provided and installed as part of SwiftHLM will be used
as the default one.

Connector for LTFS DM backend is installed as part of SwiftHLM
installation, but is not enabled by default (see Section 6. for how to do
that). In order to enable and use LTFS DM connector, LTFS DM backend needs
to be installed from
LTFS DM is an open source software that adds tape storage to a standard
disk based Linux filesystem - it keeps the original namespace of the disk
file system exposed to users and applications (via standard POSIX
interface) but allows migrating file data to and from attached tape
  1. Activate

To activate SwiftHLM middleware, restart Swift services:

a) Swift installed from source:

swift-init main reload

b) Spectrum Scale 4.1.1 or later:

mmces service start OBJ --all

To start SwiftHLM Dispatcher service (one one node, e.g. a proxy node): Start:

systemctl start swifthlm.dispatcher

Check status:
  systemctl status swifthlm.dispatcher -l
If/when needed, dispatcher can be stopped using:
  # systemctl stop swifthlm.dispatcher

To use SwiftHLM, see instruction in Section 7.

Note: If SwiftHLM is not configured to use a specific connector/backend (Section 6), a dummy connector/backend provided and installed as part of SwiftHLM will be used as the default one.

  1. HLM Backend

An HLM backend that supports SwiftHLM functions (MIGRATE, RECALL, STATUS) is exposed to Swift in the same way as if SwiftHLM is not used (via a file system interface and a Swift ring definition), plus it needs to additionally support processing and responding requests from SwiftHLM middleware for performing SwiftHLM functions.

SwiftHLM Handler is the component of SwiftHLM that invokes backend HLM operations via SwiftHLM generic backend interface (GBI). For each backend a Connector needs to be implemented that maps GBI requests to the backend HLM operations.

A backend specific connector can be installed as a standard python module, or simply stored as a .py file at arbirary location to which the swift user has access. Then SwiftHLM should be configured to use that specific connector/backend, by appending the content of swifthlm/object-server.conf.merge file to /etc/swift/object-server.conf, and edditing the corresponding configuration values to match the specific connector/backend.

Here is the example of the content of swifthlm/object-server.conf.merge edited for use with LTFS Data Management backend (open sourced at after it is appended to /etc/swift/object-server.conf:


High latency media (hlm) configuration on storage node


You can override the default log level here:

set log_level = INFO

set log_level = DEBUG

Declare SwiftHLM Connector (and consequently the Backend) to be used:


Dummy Connector/Backend - used by default if no other connector is


swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlm.dummy_connector


IBM Spectrum Archive and IBM Spectrum Protect (proprietary) Connector/Backend

swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlmibmsa.ibmsa_swifthlm_connector


LTFS DM (open source) Connector/Backend

Note: this connector is installed by default as part of SwiftHLM install, but

it is not activated (declared to use) by default. LTFS DM backend needs to be

installed separately (

swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlm.ltfsdm_connector #

Your own Connector/Backend

EITHER define the connector python module name (if installed as a python

module), e.g.:

swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlmxxx.opt_disc_connector

OR specify the connector directory path and filename:

swifthlm_connector_dir = /opt/xxx/swifthlmconnector

swifthlm_connector_filename =


Connector/Backend specific settings


LTFS DM Connector settings


Path to ltfsdm binary. If not set, /usr/local/bin/ltfsdm is used by default.

ltfsdm_path = /usr/local/bin/ltfsdm

Path to the directory to use for temporary files

connector_tmp_dir = /tmp/swifthlm

Tape storage pool to use for storing objects data

tape_storage_pool = swiftpool #

IBM Spectrum Archive/Protect Connector settings


IBM Spectrum Archive/Protect Connector configuration

connector_tmp_dir = /tmp/swifthlm

IBM Spectrum Archive/Protect or LTFS DM Backend configuration

gpfs_filesystem_or_fileset = /mnt/gpfs library = library0 tape_storage_pool = swiftpool@library0

To use SwiftHLM with IBM Spectrum Archive or IBM Spectrum Protect connector and backend (proprietary, see for how to get, install and configure it), in the above shown content appended to /etc/swift/object-server.conf, change the following 2 lines:

swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlmibmsa.ibmsa_swifthlm_connector

swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlm.ltfsdm_connector


swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlmibmsa.ibmsa_swifthlm_connector

swifthlm_connector_module = swifthlm.ltfsdm_connector

  1. External Interface and Usage Examples

curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST " curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST " curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET " curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "

Get status of Object cont3/obj00:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/status/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 38 100 38 0 0 46 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 46 { "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00": "resident" }

real 0m0.831s user 0m0.017s sys 0m0.008s [root@belgrade ~]#

Get status of all Objects of Container cont3:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/status/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 114 100 114 0 0 128 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 128 { "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00": "resident", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj01": "resident", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj02": "resident" }

real 0m0.892s user 0m0.016s sys 0m0.007s [root@belgrade ~]#

Migrate Object cont3/obj00:

[root@belgrade ~]# [root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/migrate/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00" Accepted migrate request.

real 0m0.058s user 0m0.001s sys 0m0.003s [root@belgrade ~]#

Check if request to migrate Object cont3/obj00 is completed:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/requests/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 68 100 68 0 0 1910 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1942 [ "20170303034043.566--migrate--AUTH_test--cont3--0--obj00--pending" ]

real 0m0.041s user 0m0.017s sys 0m0.007s [root@belgrade ~]#

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/requests/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 53 100 53 0 0 1566 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1606 [ "There are no pending or failed SwiftHLM requests." ]

real 0m0.039s user 0m0.013s sys 0m0.010s [root@belgrade ~]#

Get status of all Objects of Container cont3:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/status/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 114 100 114 0 0 115 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 115 { "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00": "migrated", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj01": "resident", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj02": "resident" }

real 0m0.991s user 0m0.013s sys 0m0.010s [root@belgrade ~]#

Migrate entire container cont3 (but make tape backend unavailable on one of the storage nodes):

ot@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/migrate/AUTH_test/cont3" Accepted migrate request.

real 0m0.062s user 0m0.003s sys 0m0.003s [root@belgrade ~]#

Check requests for Container cont3:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/requests/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 61 100 61 0 0 1923 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1967 [ "20170303034800.465--migrate--AUTH_test--cont3--0--pending" ]

real 0m0.039s user 0m0.015s sys 0m0.007s [root@belgrade ~]#

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/requests/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 60 100 60 0 0 1673 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1714 [ "20170303034800.465--migrate--AUTH_test--cont3--0--failed" ]

real 0m0.041s user 0m0.015s sys 0m0.008s [root@belgrade ~]#

Get status of all Objects of Container cont3 (tape backend is fixed and again available):

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/status/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 113 100 113 0 0 103 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 103 { "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00": "migrated", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj01": "unknown", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj02": "migrated" }

real 0m1.103s user 0m0.014s sys 0m0.009s [root@belgrade ~]#

Resubmit migration for Container cont3:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/migrate/AUTH_test/cont3" Accepted migrate request.

real 0m0.057s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.004s [root@belgrade ~]# [root@belgrade ~]# [root@belgrade ~]#

Check requests for Container cont3:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/requests/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 121 100 121 0 0 3275 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3361 [ "20170303035302.857--migrate--AUTH_test--cont3--0--pending", "20170303034800.465--migrate--AUTH_test--cont3--0--failed" ]

real 0m0.043s user 0m0.015s sys 0m0.009s [root@belgrade ~]#

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/requests/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 53 100 53 0 0 1780 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1827 [ "There are no pending or failed SwiftHLM requests." ]

real 0m0.035s user 0m0.011s sys 0m0.012s [root@belgrade ~]#

Get status of Objects of Container cont3:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/status/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 114 100 114 0 0 104 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 105 { "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00": "migrated", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj01": "migrated", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj02": "migrated" }

real 0m1.092s user 0m0.017s sys 0m0.006s [root@belgrade ~]#

Recall all Objects of Container cont3:

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X POST "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/recall/AUTH_test/cont3" Accepted recall request.

real 0m0.064s user 0m0.000s sys 0m0.005s [root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/requests/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 53 100 53 0 0 1821 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 1827 [ "There are no pending or failed SwiftHLM requests." ]

real 0m0.035s user 0m0.011s sys 0m0.012s [root@belgrade ~]#

Get status of Objects of Container cont3 (now on disk and tape, thus "premigrated"):

[root@belgrade ~]# time curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -X GET "http://zagreb:8080/hlm/v1/status/AUTH_test/cont3" | python -mjson.tool % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 123 100 123 0 0 125 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 125 { "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj00": "premigrated", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj01": "premigrated", "/AUTH_test/cont3/obj02": "premigrated" }

real 0m0.986s user 0m0.015s sys 0m0.007s [root@belgrade ~]#

  1. Design/Internals Overview

This section provides overview of SwiftHLM components and their join operation for providing the function described in section 1.

SwiftHLM workflow for processing MIGRATION requests (and it is same for RECALL requests) is as follows. SwiftHLM middleware on proxy server intrcepts SwiftHLM migration requests and queues them inside Swift, by storing them into a special HLM-dedicated container as zero size objects. After SwiftHLM request is queued, 202 code is returned to the application.

Another SwiftHLM process, called SwiftHLM Dispatcher, is processing the queued requests asynchronously with respect to user/application that submitted them. It picks a request from the queue, in FIFO or a more advance manner, and groups the requests into one list per involved storage node.

For each storage node/list Dispatcher invokes remotely a SwiftHLM program on that storage node (the name of that program is SwiftHLM Handler), and provides it with the list. Handler could also be a long running process listening for and processing submissions from Dispatcher. Either way, the function performed by Handler is to map the objects to files (or to HLM backend objects) and submits the file list and the migration requests to HLM backend, if the backend already provide the function to move data between LLM (low latency media) and HLM (hight latency media). Examples of backends with such function are IBM Spectrum Archive and BDT Tape Library Connector.

In order to support different backends, a Generic Backend Interface is defined and used by Handler to submit the request to HLM backend, via the backend specific Connector that maps the request to the backend specific API. If HLM backend does not support moving data and managing object state, the backend Connector needs to implement that function as well.

Once the backend completes the operation the result (succes or failure) is propagated back to the dispatcher. In case of success, the request is removed from the queue, otherwise it is marked as failed and kept in the queue for some period (to be able to answer the request status queries). One could also consider implementing request retries.

Querying object status (STATUS) is processed by SwiftHLM middleware synchrounously, by groupping the queries per storage nodes and invoking the Handler (same as Dispatcher does for migration and recall), but for status the SwiftHLM middleware also merges the statuses reportd by the backend and provides the merged result to the Swift application.

Querying requests status (REQUESTS) Query for requests status for an object or a container are processed by SwiftHLM middleware, by reading listing of the special HLM-dedicated container(s). If there are not pending (incompleted or failed) requests for a container, the previously submitted operations for that container may be considered completed. This is more efficient than to query state for each object of a container.

  1. References

    [1] Amazon Glacier API,
    [2] Amazon S3 integration with Glacier,
    [3] Tape Library Connector, [4] IBM Spectrum Archive, [5] SwiftHLM design discussion, [6] Swift ring to ring tiering,