ibnuda / dactyl-keyboard

Web generator for dactyl keyboards.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
198 stars 51 forks source link

Web Generator for Dactyl Keyboard

If you want to read the old README.md, go here.


To tinker around this thing, follow these steps:

  1. Install JDK and leiningen.
  2. Change directory to this repository.
  3. Run lein ring server-headless.
  4. Change something in src/dactyl_keyboard/handler.clj.
  5. Open localhost:3030.

With Nix

  1. run direnv allow when you first cd into the project
  2. nix will then install and cache dependencies
  3. running lein ring server-headless will run the server with hot-reloading on port 3030


To deploy it in a computer, follow these steps:

  1. Install JDK and leiningen.
  2. Change directory to this repository.
  3. Run lein ring uberjar.
  4. Copy target/dactyl-keyboard-version-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar to your server.
  5. In the webserver, run java -jar dactyl-keyboard-version-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar.

Old Workflow

To use old workflow where change code -> save -> openscad reloads model, uncomment (spit "things/right.scad" (write-scad (model-right c))) in src/dactyl_keyboard/dactyl.clj or src/dactyl_keyboard/lightcycle.clj.

Single Key PCB

If you want to use single key PCB, please use single pcb.



Copyright © 2015-2020 Matthew Adereth, Tom Short, Ibnu D. Aji, et. al.

The source code for generating the models (everything excluding the things/ and resources/ directories is distributed under the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. The generated models and PCB designs are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Version 3.0.