ibotty / postgresql-related-packages

Debian Packages for PostgreSQL extensions and FDWs
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Debian/Ubuntu Packages related to PostgreSQL

This is mostly some CI/CD.

Packages are built to be used by usually the latest version of spilo.

Right now the following packages are provided.


curl -sSLo /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ibotty-postgresql-public.asc https://ibotty.github.io/postgresql-related-packages/ibotty-postgresql-public.asc
curl -sSLo /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ibotty-postgresql-public.list https://ibotty.github.io/postgresql-related-packages/ibotty-postgresql-public.list

After this setup installing is a simple as apt-get install -y columnar-pg15 pg-ivm-pg15.