These fast and fun little items have only one simulation issue: they link to real events at a real conference.
Both scripts were written this week, so they may have issues. The source code is free and open source and on GitHub. Click the 'Edit this file' button on the top right of any of these pages. to start fixing or hacking.
If you notice or see anything at the conference that could use stimulating simulating then just holler!
screen capture of the sponsor links script
We love simulating things. We find simulating stimulating.
These days nearly anything can be simulated. So let's simulate the Building Simulation 2017. ;-)
On the left are two menu items that simulate conference sponsors and all the conference sessions.
These fast and fun little items have only one simulation issue: they link to real events at a real conference.
Both scripts were written this week, so they may have issues. The source code is free and open source and on GitHub. Click the 'Edit this file' button on the top right of any of these pages. to start fixing or hacking.
If you notice or see anything at the conference that could use
stimulatingsimulating then just holler!