ibpsa2017 / ibpsa2017.github.io

for material related to http://www.ibpsa.org/ and https://buildingsimulation2017.org
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You are at an online presence for things related to

The International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) is a non-profit international society of building performance simulation researchers, developers and practitioners, dedicated to improving the built environment.

This is an unofficial site created by and for Building Simulation 2017 conference attendees.

At least three agendas

The initial intent of this GitHub organization was to:

  1. Be a place where conference attendees could post and share material and comments
  2. Be a place where scripts useful to attendees could be hosted
  3. Host the source code for the material to be presented a one of the conference sessions

Ultimately, only a single attendee contributed material during the conference. So it goes.

Introduction to Open Web Tools Miniworkshop

The map of all the items covered in the Open Web Tools Miniworkshop would be larger that the workshop itself.

In the interest of brevity, Theo Armour provides a list of ten things covered in his presentation:

2017-08-13 ~ the above list is still a work in progress

Subsequent Efforts

The current efforts are attempts by Theo Armour to complete the incomplete demos he showed during the workshop

When this effort is complete, then further efforts are likely to continue somewhere on the Ladybug Tools GitHub organization

To Do

Change Log

2017-08-13 ~ Theo