ibrahiem96 / poke-readme-action

A small Github Action to add a Pokemon Sprite to your repo README
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github-action javascript pokemon readme

Poke Readme Action

Poke Readme Action is a Github action that allows you to pull pokemon sprites from the public pokemon API and add it to your Github READMEs



Add this line to your README.md:

<!--Pokemon Sprite-->

NOTE: If you are using a repo other than your profile repo (for example ibrahiem96/ibrahiem96 is my profile repo), then you may need to add your own github token. Check the action YAML for all available inputs.

Then create a workflow that uses this action, example below:

name: Poke Readme

# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request
# events but only for the master branch
        description: 'Pokemon Name'
        required: true
        default: 'pikachu'

    name: Add Pokemon Sprite to repo README
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: ibrahiem96/poke-readme-action@main
          pokemon: ${{ inputs.pokemon }}
          # gh_token is only required if you are planning to deploy this action for a repo readme other than your profile repo.
          # gh_token: ${{ inputs.gh_token }}

NOTE: regarding naming convention for the pokemon, please check all possible name matches in the API database. Some pokemon may have multiple sprites because of their changing appearance in game. Example

Blog Guide

Check out the accompanying blog post I've written for this project here



  1. Node 16.x and latest npm
  2. npm packages: npm install --save node-fetch@v2 @actions/core @octokit/core @vercel/ncc


Any and all changes to the javascript will need a recompiling of the js files in the dist/ directory. To do this you need to run the following command after you finish making any javascript changes:

ncc build index.js --license licenses.txt

Pull Requests

Please create a new branch for any changes. All pull requests will need to be approved by the administrator(s) before merging.