icealtria / obsidian-telegram-inbox

Receive messages from Telegram bots and add them to Obsidian's daily note.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 1 forks source link

Phantom additional lines #5

Open woohung opened 3 weeks ago

woohung commented 3 weeks ago


When i send message in telegram bot like this:


In Obsidian, I get an additional line inside code block and between "created" and the text, it looks like a bug.


But if I send only a block of code, there are no problems with additional lines inside the block.

My message template is:

Created: <% tp.file.creation_date("Do MMMM YYYY") %>

My custom path is:


P.S. I just started research the tool, maybe I'm doing something wrong, I'll be grateful if you correct it. Thnx.

icealtria commented 3 weeks ago

The blank line between Created and {{{text}}} is because the {{title}} is not available. Therefore, it renders as a blank line. You can refer to the available fields at wiki.

I could not reproduce the code block with additional line in it.