icealtria / obsidian-telegram-inbox

Receive messages from Telegram bots and add them to Obsidian's daily note.
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 1 forks source link
obsidian obsidian-plugin telegram telegram-bot

Telegram Inbox

This plugin can receive messages from Telegram bots and add them to Obsidian's daily note.


  1. Create a bot using @BotFather.
  2. Copy the bot token provided by @BotFather.
  3. Paste the token into the Bot Token field in the plugin settings.
  4. Add your username or telegram id to Allowed Users. You can get your id from @Get_UIDbot
  5. Click the Restart button.

When the plugin is not running, messages will be stored on the Telegram server for 24 hours at most. source

Manually install the plugin

Requires Node.js environment.

