icecaps-summit / sleigh-dashboard

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ICECAPS Dashboard

This repo contains files to create a dashboard for the ICECAPS-MELT SLEIGH platform.


To create a virtual Python environment on your local computer, type (assuming pip is installed):

conda env create -f environmental.yml
conda deactivate      # Deactivate base conda environment
conda activate sleigh-dashboard
pip install -e .

The local editable install of this repository allows the sleigh_dashboard package to be imported within python scripts


To deploy a development version of the dashboard, use the command

python -pd || fuser -n tcp 5006 -k

The -pd flag ensures the dashboard is deployed on port 5006, and the follow-up command kills any processes attahced to that port, to maintain a clean working environment.


To deploy the live version of the dashboard, run the command:


This command is encapsulated within, which is itself executed by the service file dashboard.service.

The sleigh_dashboard package

Documentation pertaining to the sleigh-dashboard package can be found within the sleigh_dashboard/ folder, and within the script files.