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Check proposed RDBES user roles fit with TAF #18

Open davidcurrie2001 opened 4 years ago

davidcurrie2001 commented 4 years ago

Check that the proposed RDBES user roles will actually work within TAF

github-actions[bot] commented 4 years ago

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colinpmillar commented 3 years ago

@colinpmillar this links to on going work on developint the ICES user store API

davidcurrie2001 commented 2 years ago

Topic will be discussed during WGRDBESGOV annual meeting in Dec 2021. WKRATIO worked within TAF which could provide useful feedback/examples on RDBES-style repos.

colinpmillar commented 2 years ago

@davidcurrie2001 , do we need a quick meeting about this Dave?

jensr commented 2 years ago

Does this relate to #23 Generally about group permissions and management?

nilsolav commented 2 years ago

From Jens: Check how this is implemented for the ACOM access and see if we can use the same technical implementation. Cecilia will follow this up.

cekv commented 2 years ago

The user roles for RDBES are not final. For now, there are 3 (Upload, Delete and Download) with one user for each country.

davidcurrie2001 commented 2 years ago

Hi @cekv - this doesn't just relate to users uploading/downloading data to the RDBES but to how users will be able to create Intercatch-like estimates from that data using TAF repos. The roles that are thought to be required are outlined on page 10 of the 2018 WKRDB-URS report - summarised below:

It will be a requirement of the RDBES stock estimation that a stock estimate is produced, as well as national estimates for that stock – however national estimates for a country do not necessarily have to be produced by a user from that country. The following RDBES user roles were thought to be required for producing stock estimates within the RDBES (note that a single person can hold multiple roles at the same time): Data viewer: Can view and export data and estimation scripts for the specific stock area. Estimator: Can create and run scripts to create national stock estimates for a specific country and stock area. Stock coordinator: Can create and run scripts to produce stock estimates for a specific stock.

The question is whether the Estimator and Stock Coordinator roles proposed fit with TAF. The long-delayed "WKRDB-RAISE&TAF" workshop now has chairs agreed so should take place later this year - this workshop will start to look at the process of using RDBES data to create stock estimates for use in assessment. The question of user roles should be re-visited in the run-up to the workshop.

davidcurrie2001 commented 1 year ago

This topic was discussed during the WKRDBES-RAISE&TAF workshop in September and a proposal on RDBES TAF repo structure, user roles and permissions was made. A testing group will follow up on these proposals to check they will work in practice.

colinpmillar commented 1 year ago

This needs much more description, but here it is anyway. THis is a database to store outputs from a TAF project/repository. It allows for flexible object definitions and lots of metadata to aid with searching and authorizing. image

colinpmillar commented 1 year ago

An example of a token (a straw token) for example in the RDBES context: image

colinpmillar commented 1 year ago

So i think using this structure, the user roles in RDBES are fully compatible with TAF

davidcurrie2001 commented 12 months ago

RDBES/TAF user roles and the new intermediate TAF storage database will be tested and discussed next week (2nd - 6th Oct 2023) during the WKRDBESRaiseTAF2 workshop.