ices-eg / wg_WGTAFGOV

Working group on TAF Governance
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Access rights for ACOM, web conferences and advice drafting groups #23

Open colinpmillar opened 4 years ago

colinpmillar commented 4 years ago


ADGs and web conferences may need to be able to look into the code and results from individual assessments. A decision on who can access what needs to be decided. This should be considered by ACOM, as it may be overkill to allow all ACOM members full access to all assessment repositories.

task list (draft - to be reviewed by TAFGOV)

related issues

jensr commented 4 years ago

Does github support group permissions? E.g. can you establish groups for ACOM reviewers and then jsut add a single group to permissions? Not sure if github has a feature like that, and if it can be used to link across the ICES/ActiveDirectory type structure.

colinpmillar commented 4 years ago

Yes we can :) this is how we are starting to work now - we have groups (or teams in GH parlance) and the membership is based on the mebership in the ICES meetings system (RCT). We have developing systems that monitor the ICES list of members and add or remove from the github teams (note the word developing, there are still teathing problems).

I will need to understand how reviewers are recorded in RCT to understand how the case for reviewers will work, if they are members of the ADG then this will be easy.

clordan commented 4 years ago

My strong preference is to make all final assessment repositories available as read only to all ACOM members and alternates in advance of the ADG and WC. Observers and non-ACOM participants should only be allowed to see the repos pertaining to their ADG.

colinpmillar commented 3 years ago

Discussions with Mark DC: agreed

colinpmillar commented 3 years ago

@colinpmillar to check with some ACOM members that they can access the assessment repositories. This can be done during ACOM meeting 9/3/2021-10/3/2021

colinpmillar commented 2 years ago

User claims are now linked to the updated CRM (content resource managament) system in ICES, and we can identify the groups people are attached to (ACOM, ADGs etc). WHat needs to be done now is to open up the pages and repositories to ACOM and the apprporiuate ADG.

colinpmillar commented 2 years ago

users can check their claims in R using the icesConnect package, installed via:

options(repos = c(
  icestoolsprod = '',
  CRAN = ''))

# Install some packages

then run:


to see a list of claims

colinpmillar commented 2 years ago

It is important to keep github access and ICES group membership in sync. this would probably be done using a daily procedure that would add and remove members from the ices-taf and ices-eg group members.

We also need to communicate to ICES community that GitHub access to repos depends on linking your giothub username with your ICES account

colinpmillar commented 2 years ago

the importance of automating this task was highlighted. Work remaining

colinpmillar commented 1 year ago

We have a system in place where we can manually update groups quickly and easily, the steps in the process are: