ices-eg / wg_WGTAFGOV

Working group on TAF Governance
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Process for linking/relating TAF repositories #39

Open jensr opened 3 years ago

jensr commented 3 years ago

To be able to sign off repositories to support advice process (as in #36 ), it would be useful to display or track which repositories are linked as part of a workflow. For example there may be a repository for index calculation, estimation from RDBES that are both feeding into a stock assessment repository. So we need to either create a linkage field in metadata, or an automated way of picking up data from another TAF repo that then implies linkage.

iagomosqueira commented 3 years ago

Could this work via DATA.bib? It would require the relevant output from one repository (e.g. assessment) to be available either via github or TAF server for other repositories (e.g. forecast). For getting via github this would require output/* to be pushed to some branch, maybe other than master?. For the second option we would need TAF server to export output objects to a public URL, which I am not sure is the idea. Happy to discuss this, as it is needed for some repositories to work.

colinpmillar commented 3 years ago

I think this is a good idea, if you have time to discuss this we could prehaps set up a meeting next week to sketch out the idea?