ices-eg / wg_WGTAFGOV

Working group on TAF Governance
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WKREF1 propose all TAF stock assessment repos produce an FLStock object #55

Open colinpmillar opened 2 years ago

colinpmillar commented 2 years ago

Including reference points.

Milldaz commented 2 years ago

Full recommendation: Within TAF, it is recommended to generate FLStock objects of all final assessments with the attributes that were provided by WKREF1. In cases where probabilistic statements are already included in the advice, the FLR object should also contain the associated uncertainty. This could also be used to test the impact of assessment uncertainty on e.g. estimates of FP.05, and potentially to include it in its estimation.

nilsolav commented 2 years ago

Dave will get in touch with the WKREF and see what code are available for this task.

iagomosqueira commented 2 years ago

For any assessment being run in FLR (FLSAM, FLXSA, FLa4a) the FLStock object is already there. For SS3 there is an FLR package ( to load output and create an FLStock.

I have just coded a function to do it directly from SAM output and input. Not sure where this could go.

What other methods are we missing?

iagomosqueira commented 2 years ago

For the attributes, we will be adding them to an extended class soon, so we will prioritize this.

iagomosqueira commented 2 years ago

Need to get a list of models being used that do not yet have an specific function to output to FLStock. Probably to do so via a data.frame output