ices-eg / wg_WGTAFGOV

Working group on TAF Governance
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WGINOR: (Integrated Ecosystem Assessments) very keen to use TAF and looking for guidance #71

Open colinpmillar opened 2 years ago

colinpmillar commented 2 years ago


This more generally speaks the point of widening the use of of TAF in other assessments in ICES.

Perhaps (eventually) include a page on the dashboard specific to Ecosystem assessments. Also need to think about how to name these repositories, as they will likely break up an individual assessment into many smaller (but still computationally difficult) analyses.

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colinpmillar commented 2 years ago

@bplanque I have began a discussion on what we spoke about at the TCTAF2022. Please add more if I have missed some things, Thanks! Colin