icevans / parms

A tool to make fetching SSM parameters not suck
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A simple CLI tool for making interacting with SSM parameters suck less. The name is a private joke, not a typo.



$ brew install icevans/parms/parms


Not yet supported.

Building from source

  1. Install rustup
  2. From the root of this repository, run cargo build --release
  3. Copy ./release/target/parms to somewhere in your PATH variable


parms respects the usual AWS configuration methods. First, it will look in AWS environment variables, then in your ~/.aws/config file. If you connect via SSO, be sure that you have logged in via SSO, and that you have selected a profile by setting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable.

A note on region:

  1. If you provide the --region argument, this takes precedence
  2. If you omit this, parms will check for a AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable
  3. If this is missing, parms will check for a region on your selected profile
  4. If this too is missing, you will get an error
Usage: parms [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

fetch Fetches the value of selected parameter
edit  Allows to edit the current value of selected parameter
help  Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

-r, --region <REGION>  Search in this AWS region
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version