icgc-argo / argo-clinical

Clinical data submission for ARGO programs.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Argo clinical

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clinical Arch

How to:

Make scripts are provided to run this application and the required MongoDB using docker. In order for these scripts to start the dev server, you must have a debugger application waiting to attach on port 9229. This is easily accomplished by running these commands in the VSCode terminal, and updating the Debugger Auto Attach setting in VSCode settings to yes.

To run local without engaging the debugger, run npm run local. Since this will not run the docker-compose setup, this requires MongoDB to be running locally (connections configured in the .env file) See Makefile for more details and options.

How to add new clinical entity:

Add new entity in the following files:

const availableValidators: { [k: string]: any } = {
  [ClinicalEntitySchemaNames.DONOR]: donor,
  [ClinicalEntitySchemaNames.SPECIMEN]: specimen,
  [ClinicalEntitySchemaNames.PRIMARY_DIAGNOSIS]: primaryDiagnosis,
  [ClinicalEntitySchemaNames.FOLLOW_UP]: follow_up,
  [ClinicalEntitySchemaNames.NEW_ENTITY]: new_entity <--------- add here to trigger validation

Debugging Notes:

If file upload fails with the error TypeError: Cannot read property 'readFile' of undefined, make sure you are running Node 12+

DB migration

We use a tool called migrate-mongo: https://www.npmjs.com/package/migrate-mongo


Extending stub-schema for running DB migration Tests

importing rxnorm

you can see the compose directory for the simplified process it's recommended to use mysql 5.7, 5.6. or 5.5 mysql 8 has issues, but works nonetheless.

the job to import this: https://jenkins.qa.cancercollaboratory.org/job/ARGO/job/devops/job/rxnorm-import/

Lectern client

work live with overture client without publishing new versions

in clinical package json:

  1. "@overturebio-stack/lectern-client": "file:/home/ballabadi/dev/repos/overture/js-lectern-client",
  2. go to lectern client, update code and npm run build
  3. install the updated version npm i

how to debug schema client :

  1. put debug point here: manager.ts function
  2. when break point hits, step into lectern client func
  3. place break point in lectern client file