ickerio / cits3403

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Drawable Word List #16

Closed ickerio closed 4 months ago

ickerio commented 4 months ago

We need to compile a word list of drawable things. I've had a look on the internet and this is the best I've found.



jjwilliamjun commented 4 months ago

How about we just let the user put their own keyword?

ickerio commented 4 months ago

good idea i didnt even think of that haha. might not work if the user enters garbage tho. how do we prevent that?

jjwilliamjun commented 4 months ago

Yeah that's true. Can we just assume user is naive and kind? 😅

HenriScaff commented 4 months ago

I think we should probably pre-set the word list since the timing/rules of the game may depend on the word difficulty. Relieves the user of having to think of a word, spelling it correctly, and selecting something that's actually drawable. Perhaps we can revisit this in phase three if we want to add additional features?

Regarding the word list itself, @ickerio suggestion may be too difficult to draw, lots of abstract concepts in that list.

Maybe we could do an api call, for example (although these can be too hard, too): https://api-ninjas.com/api/randomword

Have found lots of pictionary-style word generators where you can set to easy difficulty, struggle to find one with an API though.

HenriScaff commented 4 months ago


This looks useful!