ickerio / cits3403

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CITS3403 Group Project


Sketchy is a vibrant interactive web application designed for collaborative drawing and guessing games. It allows users to create sketches based on randomised prompts and enables other users to guess the word or phrase represented by the sketch. The application's design focuses on facilitating user engagement and creativity.

Gameplay Experience:

Creative Expression:


Group Members

Name UWA ID Github
Harry Ickeringill 22986838 @ickerio
JJ Jun 22763977 @jjwilliamjun
Henri Scaffidi 23245207 @HenriScaff
Ansu Regmi 23376904 @ansuuuuuuu


The architecture of the Sketchy application follows a typical web application architecture, consisting of multiple layers and components that work together to provide the intended functionality.

The architecture of Sketchy is designed to be modular, scalable, and maintainable, allowing for future enhancements, optimizations, and feature additions. It emphasizes separation of concerns, adherence to best practices, and utilization of reliable technologies to deliver a robust and user-friendly drawing and guessing game platform.

Frontend Layer: The frontend layer of Sketchy comprises the user interface components visible to the users. It includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files responsible for rendering the application's pages, handling user interactions, and displaying dynamic content. Sketchy's frontend utilizes frameworks and libraries like Flask, Jinja2, Bootstrap, and jQuery to streamline development and enhance user experience.

Backend Layer: The backend layer handles the core logic and data processing of the application. It is implemented using Python with the Flask web framework. This layer includes routes, controllers, models, and services responsible for processing user requests, interacting with the database, and generating responses. Flask extensions such as Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Migrate, Flask-Bcrypt, and Flask-Login are used to facilitate database operations, migration management, password hashing, and user authentication.

Database Layer: Sketchy utilizes a relational database to store application data. SQLAlchemy is used to interact with the database. The database schema includes tables for storing user information, sketches, words and guess sessions. SQLite is used for local development and testing.

Authentication and Authorization: Sketchy implements user authentication and authorization to control access to application features and data. Users can register accounts, log in securely, and access authenticated routes. Flask-Login is used for session management, while Flask-Bcrypt handles password hashing and verification to enhance security.


Environment Variables

Before running the application, ensure you have set up the following environment variables:

Example .env file:



  1. install python3 with sudo apt-get install python3
  2. install pip with sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  3. install venv with sudo apt-get install python3-venv
  4. create new virtual environment with python3 -m venv venv
  5. activate virtual environment with source venv/bin/activate
  6. install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. setup test database with python seed.py
  8. run flask with flask run


Currently, minor changes to the application are required to run the test scripts. This includes ensuring the test scripts run with an app instance using TestConfig, meaning the real app database will not be affected by the tests. This would be a future step for this project.

For now, the tests folder contains the foundations for a testing suite, comprising of various unit and selenium tests to ensure primary application functionality.

External Resources
