icmpnorequest / MLSec

An implementation of data poisoning attack and membership inference attack in Pytorch
MIT License
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It's a repository to implement some experiments on Machine Learning Security

Code Description

1. Data_Poisoning Directory

It aims to implement a data poisoning attack on labels with SVM classifier.

2. Membership_Inference Directory

The code under this directory is implementation of 17 S&P paper "Membership Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models" by Shokri et al.

It aims to implement Algorithm 1: Data Synthesis in paper.

It aims to implement Shadow model technique in paper.

It aims to implement Membership Inference Attack according to paper.

It aims to implement CIFAR-10 experiment in paper.

It completes the neural network code using Pytorch.

It completes the utils code.

# Please notice: the norm_all_batch_data.npy under the directory Membership_Inference/cifar10/norm_all_batch_data.npy is too large to upload.

I uploaded it to the link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1uZaZhVYUiRXi3resfuJoiA


1. Paper

2. Code

Membership Inference Attack: