icook / yota

Flexible Python web forms with asynchronous validation
33 stars 3 forks source link

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/icook/yota.png?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/icook/yota .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/icook/yota/badge.png?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/r/icook/yota?branch=master


Documentation <https://yota.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>_ | Example Repository <https://github.com/icook/yota_examples> | Demo <http://yota.ibcook.com/>

Yota is a Python form generation library with the following unique features:

In addition to these features, Yota also includes most of the features that you would see with other form libraries.

Philosophically Yota aims to have a ton of power, since designing Forms can require a lot of flexibility. This was the main problem the designers had with other libraries is that they ended up getting in the way. At the same time however it is important that sensible default be easy to use and implement, making the creation of common forms trivial and lowering the inital learning curve.


To install Yota just:

Or you can install it from Git with:


Yota tries hard to maintain a high level of test coverage, and as such running the tests before pull requests and commits is important. Tests are setup to run with nose, and some testing parses HTML with beautifulsoup. To install:

Then run:

in the root folder of the project.

Get Involved

Any and all contributions to Yota are gladly welcomed. Simply fork the repository and make a pull request with your addition or open an issue for the maintainers to consider. Please include 100% test coverage with all pull requests. If you're looking to help out, there are several tickets tagged with "maintinance" that should be easy starting point. Adding yourself to the CONTRIBUTORS.txt list when making a pull request is also encouraged.

Latest Changes

0.2.2 (2013-08-22)


Bug Fixes



Yota is under the new-style BSD license.