icstechsales / dql-explorer

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domino dql ibm-think2019

This project is an exploration of data in Domino databases leveraging Domino Query Language.


If you are here to try out DQL Explorer, learn about DQL and just want to get started... then:


  1. Download the dqlexplorer.nsf
  2. Deploy it to a Domino 10.0.1 Server (into the data directory root, not a sub directory for now)
  3. Sign the database with your signer ID, you can use the server id for instance.
  4. Set an appropiate ACL - as the database allows to create and store DQL queries, you want to define some users with Author access.
  5. Access the database with a browser: https:///dqlexplorer.nsf/index.html
  6. DQL Explorer is just a gateway to access other databases data. So you now need to have DQL Explorer list some databases you want to use.
  7. As of now, DQL requires that you issue these commands on the Domino console:

load updall -e

load updall -d

Now you are ready to create your first DQL Query. As an example we want to use names.nsf

  1. Add names.nsf to the listed databases
  2. load updall names.nsf -e
  3. load updall names.nsf -d
  4. Define your query
  5. Run your query

Watch the demos

Luis Guirigay and Andrew Manby introduce DQL Explorer at Think 2019: https://youtu.be/OMjSND5cPsE

Scott Good provides a demo that includes some configurations aspects not shown in the stage demo: https://youtu.be/Cfw_6Wvk8c8

Release Notes

Go to the Releases tab for the latest version and update notes.


The Domino Query Language (DQL) uses design data extracted from view notes. This information is stored in a special database called a design catalog and named GQFDsgn.cat. You must create a design catalog before ~a Node.js developer~ any attempts to use DQL, using DQL Explorer, Node.JS, LotusScript, Java, server console, etc... to query any database. Now that I slightly corrected the documentation, feel free to follow the remainder of the steps as outlined in the DQL documentation to create the design catalog and add your target databases to it.


Note: Try this on a development server.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm install

This process may run for less than 2 minutes. It installs all the npm modules required for this project. You only need to run it once or if you add/update the modules defined in the package.json.

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.

Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.

You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm run build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.

It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.

Your updated version of the app is ready to be deployed to the dqlexplorer.nsf domino database under the Resources...Files as shown below, make sure to include the appropriate path for css and js files when the files are added by changing the filenames after import to include the path, i.e. static/js/... or static/css/...

Once deployed the application is accessbile from any web browser accesing https:///dqlexplorer.nsf/index.html