icsynergy / groovy_dropwizard

A gradle built groovy / dropwizard app with instructions to deploy to Heroku
MIT License
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Gradle / Groovy / Dropwizard / Heroku

This repo can be used as a starter for a Groovy / Dropwizard project. I plan to add more features that represent some of the best practices that I've come across.


Create local git repo

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "init"

Add Github as a remote to your project

Create your repo in Github. Copy the git URL e.g. git@github.com:icsynergy/groovy_dropwizard.git that represents your new repo.

Add the github remote

$ git remote add origin git@github.com:icsynergy/groovy_dropwizard.git

Pull the github origin to merge with your local

$ git pull origin master

Now push to github

$ git push origin master


Install the Heroku toolbelt

Login to heroku

$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: ***@***.***
Password (typing will be hidden): 
Authentication successful.

Create a heroku app and setup your local app to remote to heroku

$ heroku create
Creating nameless-****-****... done, stack is cedar
http://nameless-****-****.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:nameless-****-****.git
Git remote heroku added

Validates your remote

$ git remote -v
heroku  git@heroku.com:nameless-****-****.git (fetch)
heroku  git@heroku.com:nameless-****-****.git (push)

Optional: Rename the heroku instance. This will change your git remote as well.

$ heroku apps:rename **** --app nameless-****-****
Renaming nameless-****-**** to ****... done
http://****.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:****.git
Git remote heroku updated

Push your code to the heroku. You'll need to push any changes. This will force a clean / build of your app.

$ git push heroku master


Build the project single jar file

$ ./gradlew shadow

Run your project local to test the Heroku Procfile

$ foreman start

Run your project via gradle

$ ./gradlew run

Run your project with the jar

$  java -jar build/libs/groovyApp-0.1-shadow.jar server groovyapp.yml

Watch the logs for your app

$ heroku logs --tail