ict2x01 / ICT2x01-p4-3

We are a group of students from Singapore Institude of Technology!
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This is a basic project for children aged 9 to 12 to learning programming through gamification (code blocks).

Setup Instructions


Installation (Windows)

  1. Download "XAMPP" from the website https://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
  2. On the installation page uncheck everything expect for "Apache" and "PHP"


  1. Choose a folder to install XAMPP on and take note of the path

  2. After installing go into "Environment Variables", you can do so by searching "Environmental Variable" on the Windows search bar


  1. Add the path from point 3, into the PATH section in "System Variables" under "Environmental Variable"


  1. Go into the path from point 3, look for "php" -> "php.ini", inside the "php.ini" file uncomment "extension=sqlite3"


Installation (Debian/Ubuntu Linux)

  1. Install the required packages from apt in the terminal.
    • Install PHP and Apache.
    • sudo apt install -y apache2 php libapache2-mod-php
    • Depending on the version of PHP, install the corresponding version of PHP SQLite.
    • sudo apt install -y php$(php -v | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f2 | cut -d '.' -f1,2)-sqlite3
  2. Restart the Apache service.
    • sudo service apache2 restart


  1. Open cmd in Windows or the terminal in Linux
  2. Go into the directory where the project is downloaded
  3. Insert command php -S localhost:8000
  4. Access localhost:8000 in any desired web browser

Development Workflow

Branching Setup

  1. The main branch will serve the final completed web service product.
  2. dev will serve as a center point for all features, before merging into main for the final product.
  3. All features will have to be branch off from dev and be worked on individually before merging back to dev upon completion.
  4. The base branch will contain all the universal files that is needed by all other feature and pages that contain no features.

New Features

  1. All feature branches should be named feature/<feature_name>.
  2. All front-end files of the new features are to be split into four folders templates, styles, images and scripts.
    • templates are to contain only UI related files that contain no logic.
    • styles are to contain only CSS and beautify files.
    • images are to contain only images.
    • scripts are to contain only front-end logic of features such as Javascript files.
  3. For files related to the server-side logic, it is to be placed in a folder name backend_scripts.
  4. Files have to be named according to the feature that they contain. example: <feature>page.php

Exception: index.php - This file will not reside in any folder to allow hosted server to automatically run it.

Bug Fixes and Code edits

  1. Changes to features' code after merging to dev have to be commited back to feature branch and merge again.
  2. Do not commit directly into dev branch.

Git Commands

  1. git checkout -b <branchname> - For a new branch
  2. git add - Adding file locally
  3. git commit -m "<message>" - Committing added files with message
  4. git push - Pushing from local to remote


  1. For all commits please give a descriptive message on the update commited.

Merging into master

Merging into master will only be allowed when every feature branch have been completed and merged into dev.


Uploaded diagrams can be found in the folder diagrams.

Updated Use Case Diagram


  1. "Upload Challenge" is changed to "Create Challenge" - Trainers will create the challenge on the web portal itself instead of uploading

Updated System State Diagram


  1. Instruction state is now accessed from the play state instead of main state
  2. Uploading of challenge is now creating of challenge, checks for file uploads are removed

Blackbox Testing (UAT) Video

The UAT video can be found in the folder tests, or on YouTube at https://youtu.be/2ROyMSwDPJg.

Whitebox Testing

The test suite and code coverage statistics were run and generated by a automated testing framework library for PHP called PHPunit along with an additional php extension, XDebug.

Test Cases

The test cases is located at test directory under the name of challengemanagementTest.php.


class challengemanagementTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase{
    public function test_symbolname(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatename("$@#@$$!");

        $this->assertEquals("Invalid challenge name.", $result);

    public function test_emptyname(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatename("");

        $this->assertEquals("Invalid challenge name.", $result);

    public function test_longname(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatename("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

        $this->assertEquals("Invalid challenge name.", $result);

    public function test_correctname(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatename("Challenge Maze!");

        $this->assertEquals("", $result);

    public function test_emptyendpoint(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatepoints("");

        $this->assertEquals("Invalid endpoints input.", $result);

    public function test_symbolinendpoint(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatepoints("4%");

        $this->assertEquals("Invalid endpoints input.", $result);

    public function test_longendpoint(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatepoints("444445");

        $this->assertEquals("Invalid endpoints input.", $result);

    public function test_nonnumeralendpoint(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatepoints("a");

        $this->assertEquals("Invalid endpoints input.", $result);

    public function test_correctendpoints(){
        $challenge = new project\challengemanagement;
        $result = $challenge->validatepoints("5");

        $this->assertEquals("", $result);



Test Case Execution & Result


Results of test case execution:


Code Coverage Execution & Result

The code coverage results can be found in the test directory under html/challengemanagement.php.html


Hovering over the green-highlighted code lines will allow us to see which test case covered the code


Results of Code Coverage execution:


Running the Test Suite


  1. Composer
  2. PHPUnit

Installation and execution


  1. Composer can be downloaded from https://getcomposer.org/download/, click on Composer-Setup.exe
  2. Run the downloaded exe and follow the steps to complete installation


  1. Once composer is installed open up the terminal or cmd and run the following code composer require phpunit/phpunit

  2. In the root directory of the project, create a phpunit.xml file that includes the following content

    <phpunit bootstrap="vendor/autoload.php"
        <testsuite name="challengemanagement">
        <whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
        <directory suffix=".php">challengemanagement.php</directory>
  3. Run the command ./vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox for the test suite results. PHPUnit will automatically detect the test suite with the name xxxTest.



Failure: Example when a test case did not pass the test


Running Code Coverage


  1. XDebug
  2. PHPUnit
  3. Composer

PHPUnit and Composer should have been installed earlier. Xdebug:

  1. To install run the command in terminal or cmd composer require phpunit/php-code-coverage
  2. Install Xdebug by going to this website https://xdebug.org/wizard
  3. Generate and paste your phpinfo(). To generate type php -i into terminal/cmd.
  4. Following the instructions and download XDebug
  5. Go into php.ini file and include the following lines
    zend_extension = xdebug
  6. Restart IDE and webserver and run the following command on terminal/cmd in the root directory of the project
    ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html html
  7. The coverage results will then be generated in the html file.