id1945 / ngx-scanner-qrcode

This library is built to provide a solution scanner QR code. This library takes in raw images and will locate, extract and parse any QR code found within.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
57 stars 28 forks source link
angular angular2 barcode camera camera-scanner code code-128 codebar databar ean qr qr-codes qrcode qrcode-decoder qrcode-detector qrcode-encoder qrcode-reader scanner scanner-web upc


This library is built to provide a solution scanner QR code.\ This library takes in raw images and will locate, extract and parse any QR code found within.\ This demo Github, Stackblitz.


Supported Barcode Types
QR Code Code-39 Code-93 Code-128
Codabar Databar/Expanded EAN/GTIN-5/8/13 ISBN-10/13
ISBN-13+2 ISBN-13+5 ITF (Interleaved 2 of 5) UPC-A/E.


Install ngx-scanner-qrcode from npm:

npm install ngx-scanner-qrcode@<version> --save

Add wanted package to NgModule imports:

import { NgxScannerQrcodeModule, LOAD_WASM } from 'ngx-scanner-qrcode';

// Necessary to solve the problem of losing internet connection

    imports: [


  "architect": {
    "build": {
      "options": {
        "assets": [
          /* Necessary to solve the problem of losing internet connection */
            "glob": "**/*",
            "input": "node_modules/ngx-scanner-qrcode/wasm/", 
            "output": "./assets/wasm/"

In the Component:

<!-- For camera -->
<ngx-scanner-qrcode #action="scanner"></ngx-scanner-qrcode>

<!-- data  -->
<span>{{ | json }}</span><!-- value -->
<span>{{ | async | json }}</span><!-- async -->

<!-- Loading -->
<p *ngIf="action.isLoading">⌛ Loading...</p>

<!-- start -->
<button (click)="action.isStart ? action.stop() : action.start()">{{action.isStart ? 'Stop' : 'Start'}}</button>
Image src ```html {{ | json }} {{ | async | json }} ```
Select files ```html

{{ | json }}

{{ | async | json }}

``` ```typescript import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NgxScannerQrcodeService, ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles } from 'ngx-scanner-qrcode'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { public qrCodeResult: ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles[] = []; public config: ScannerQRCodeConfig = { constraints: { video: { width: window.innerWidth } } }; constructor(private qrcode: NgxScannerQrcodeService) { } public onSelects(files: any) { this.qrcode.loadFiles(files).subscribe((res: ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles[]) => { this.qrCodeResult = res; }); } } ```
Select files to Scan ```html

{{ | json }}

``` ```typescript import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { NgxScannerQrcodeService, ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles } from 'ngx-scanner-qrcode'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { public qrCodeResult: ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles[] = []; public config: ScannerQRCodeConfig = { constraints: { video: { width: window.innerWidth } } }; constructor(private qrcode: NgxScannerQrcodeService) { } public onSelects(files: any) { this.qrcode.loadFilesToScan(files).subscribe((res: ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles[]) => { this.qrCodeResult = res; }); } } ```

API Documentation


Field Description Type Default
[src] image url string -
[fps] fps/ms number 30
[vibrate] vibrate for mobile number 300
[decode] decode value string utf-8
[isBeep] beep boolean true
[isMasked] masked boolean true
[unScan] scan boolean false
[loadWasmUrl] wasm local url string blank
[symbolType] type ScannerQRCodeSymbolType[] [ScannerQRCode_NONE]
[constraints] setting video MediaStreamConstraints {audio:false,video:true}
[canvasStyles] setting canvas CanvasRenderingContext2D[] [{ lineWidth: 1, strokeStyle: 'green', fillStyle: '#55f02880' },{ font: '15px serif', strokeStyle: '#fff0', fillStyle: '#ff0000' }]
[config] config ScannerQRCodeConfig {src:..,fps..,vibrate..,decode:..,isBeep:..,config:..,constraints:..,canvasStyles:..}


Field Description Type Default
(event) data response BehaviorSubject<ScannerQRCodeResult[]> []

Component exports

Field Description Type Default
isStart status boolean false
isLoading status boolean false
isTorch torch boolean false
isPause status boolean -
isReady status wasm AsyncSubject -
data data response BehaviorSubject<ScannerQRCodeResult[]> []
devices data devices BehaviorSubject<ScannerQRCodeDevice[]> []
deviceIndexActive device index number 0
--- --- --- ---
(start) start camera AsyncSubject -
(stop) stop camera AsyncSubject -
(play) play video AsyncSubject -
(pause) pause video AsyncSubject -
(torcher) toggle on/off flashlight AsyncSubject -
(applyConstraints) set media constraints AsyncSubject -
(getConstraints) get media constraints AsyncSubject -
(playDevice) play deviceId AsyncSubject -
(loadImage) load image from src AsyncSubject -
(download) download image AsyncSubject<ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles[]> -


Field Description Type Default
(loadFiles) Convert files AsyncSubject<ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles[]> []
(loadFilesToScan) Scanner files AsyncSubject<ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles[]> []


ScannerQRCodeConfig ```typescript export interface ScannerQRCodeConfig { src?: string; fps?: number; vibrate?: number; /* support mobile */ decode?: string; unScan?: boolean; isBeep?: boolean; isMasked?: boolean; loadWasmUrl?: string; /* eg. assets/wasm/ngx-scanner-qrcode.wasm */ symbolType?: ScannerQRCodeSymbolType[]; constraints?: MediaStreamConstraints; canvasStyles?: CanvasRenderingContext2D[] | any[]; } ```
ScannerQRCodeDevice ```typescript interface ScannerQRCodeDevice { kind: string; label: string; groupId: string; deviceId: string; } ```
ScannerQRCodeResult ```typescript class ScannerQRCodeResult { type: ScannerQRCodeSymbolType; typeName: string; data: Int8Array; points: Array; orientation: ScannerQRCodeOrientation; time: number; cacheCount: number; quality: number; value: string; } ``` ```typescript enum ScannerQRCodeSymbolType { ScannerQRCode_NONE = 0, /**< no symbol decoded */ ScannerQRCode_PARTIAL = 1, /**< intermediate status */ ScannerQRCode_EAN2 = 2, /**< GS1 2-digit add-on */ ScannerQRCode_EAN5 = 5, /**< GS1 5-digit add-on */ ScannerQRCode_EAN8 = 8, /**< EAN-8 */ ScannerQRCode_UPCE = 9, /**< UPC-E */ ScannerQRCode_ISBN10 = 10, /**< ISBN-10 (from EAN-13). @since 0.4 */ ScannerQRCode_UPCA = 12, /**< UPC-A */ ScannerQRCode_EAN13 = 13, /**< EAN-13 */ ScannerQRCode_ISBN13 = 14, /**< ISBN-13 (from EAN-13). @since 0.4 */ ScannerQRCode_COMPOSITE = 15, /**< EAN/UPC composite */ ScannerQRCode_I25 = 25, /**< Interleaved 2 of 5. @since 0.4 */ ScannerQRCode_DATABAR = 34, /**< GS1 DataBar (RSS). @since 0.11 */ ScannerQRCode_DATABAR_EXP = 35, /**< GS1 DataBar Expanded. @since 0.11 */ ScannerQRCode_CODABAR = 38, /**< Codabar. @since 0.11 */ ScannerQRCode_CODE39 = 39, /**< Code 39. @since 0.4 */ ScannerQRCode_PDF417 = 57, /**< PDF417. @since 0.6 */ ScannerQRCode_QRCODE = 64, /**< QR Code. @since 0.10 */ ScannerQRCode_SQCODE = 80, /**< SQ Code. @since 0.20.1 */ ScannerQRCode_CODE93 = 93, /**< Code 93. @since 0.11 */ ScannerQRCode_CODE128 = 128, /**< Code 128 */ /* * Please see _ScannerQRCode_get_symbol_hash() if adding * anything after 128 */ /** mask for base symbol type. * @deprecated in 0.11, remove this from existing code */ ScannerQRCode_SYMBOL = 0x00ff, /** 2-digit add-on flag. * @deprecated in 0.11, a ::ScannerQRCode_EAN2 component is used for * 2-digit GS1 add-ons */ ScannerQRCode_ADDON2 = 0x0200, /** 5-digit add-on flag. * @deprecated in 0.11, a ::ScannerQRCode_EAN5 component is used for * 5-digit GS1 add-ons */ ScannerQRCode_ADDON5 = 0x0500, /** add-on flag mask. * @deprecated in 0.11, GS1 add-ons are represented using composite * symbols of type ::ScannerQRCode_COMPOSITE; add-on components use ::ScannerQRCode_EAN2 * or ::ScannerQRCode_EAN5 */ ScannerQRCode_ADDON = 0x0700, } interface ScannerQRCodePoint { x: number; y: number; } enum ScannerQRCodeOrientation { ScannerQRCode_ORIENT_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< unable to determine orientation */ ScannerQRCode_ORIENT_UP, /**< upright, read left to right */ ScannerQRCode_ORIENT_RIGHT, /**< sideways, read top to bottom */ ScannerQRCode_ORIENT_DOWN, /**< upside-down, read right to left */ ScannerQRCode_ORIENT_LEFT, /**< sideways, read bottom to top */ } ```
ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles ```typescript interface ScannerQRCodeSelectedFiles { url: string; name: string; file: File; data?: ScannerQRCodeResult[]; canvas?: HTMLCanvasElement; } ```

Support versions

Support versions
Angular 16+ 1.7.3
Angular 6+ 1.7.2

Author Information

Author Information
Author DaiDH
Phone +84845882882
Country Vietnam

To make this library more complete, please donate to me if you can!

Bitcoin Paypal MbBank


LGPL-2.1+ License. Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.