ida-arbeitszeit / arbeitszeitapp

A webapp for labour-time calculation.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
36 stars 4 forks source link

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.. contents ::

.. start-introduction-do-not-delete



Arbeitszeitapp is a plattform to exchange services and products on the basis of working time. It is designed as a Web app to be self-hosted by communities or organizations. A test instance is running on


Companies usually calculate with labour time internally, but switch to money on the market. This app extends planning and labour time calculation beyond the company boundaries and supports networks that exchanges products on the basis of labour time.

It provides a planning interface for companies and communities as well as a work time management interface for companies and workers. Plans can get filed and approved, products can get published, work and consumption can get registered.

This application implements a theory ("Arbeitszeitrechnung" <>_) elaborated in the 1920s by members of a German working-class movement.

User Roles

There are three user roles:

How to contribute

There are several options for you to contribute to the project if you wish to do so.

Translating the app

The developers want people around the world to use the arbeitszeitapp. To achieve this, it's crucial to translate the app into as many languages as we can. Since we're a small team of software creators, we haven't had the resources to create a detailed guide on how to translate the app step by step. However, we invite you to reach out to us through the issue tracker on GitHub. The README file in this project provides technical details about our translation technology, but don't be concerned if you find it complex. We're here to assist you with the technical setup to the best of our ability. Feel free to ask for help!

Contributing to the source code

We appreciate contributions to the code! When you contribute to the project, it means you agree that your source code is distributed under our Free-and-Open-Source Software license. If you want to help with the project but don't know where to begin, check out the issue tracker. You can propose changes by forking the repository <> and creating a pull request on GitHub. This action initiates a review process by the arbeitszeitapp collective. Please be patient if we don't start reviewing your code immediately, as our resources are limited, and none of us is economically compensated for working on the app. If you're unsure about creating a pull request, don't worry – there's a helpful guide <> in the GitHub documentation on how to do it. Feel free to refer to that!

.. end-introduction-do-not-delete

.. start-development-setup-do-not-delete

Development Setup

The preferred development environment is Linux. In addition, we encourage developers to use Nix <>, which sets up a virtual environment within a directory subtree, as a more powerful alternative to the Python venv <> module. A Nix flake is located in this repository.

**A note for Mac users:**
By default, during Nix installation, commands are added to configure path and environment
variables within scripts located in the global /etc directory. However, macOS updates can
overwrite these scripts, leading to Nix becoming inaccessible. To address this issue, consider
adding the following command to your ~/.zshrc file:

    .. code-block:: bash

     # Nix
     if [ -e '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/' ]; then
       source '/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/'
     # End Nix

see for more details.

Development Philosophy

We employ rigorous testing when developing new features for the application or fixing bugs. This might seem at first like a burden to "rapid" development, but in our experience the opposite is the case. The extensive test coverage allows us to work on the code without the constant fear that it might be broken because of one of our changes.

The architecture of the program is modeled after the principles of Clean Code (Robert C. Martin, Clean Code, Pearson, 2008). Here is a small overview of the most important directories in the source code.

arbeitszeit/ Contains the business logic of the program. A useful heuristic for deciding whether your code belongs there is "Would my code still make sense if this app were a CLI application without a SQL database?"

arbeitszeit_web/ Contains the code for implementing the Web interface. The code in this directory should format and translate strings for display to the user and parse input data from forms and URLs. This code is completly framework agnostic and is only concerned with engaging the business logic through the develivery mechanism of the World Wide Web.

arbeitszeit_flask/ Contains the conrete implementation for persistence and IO. We use the flask framework to achieve these goals.

tests/ Contains all the tests. You should find at least one test for every line of code in the other directories in here.

PostgreSQL Setup

In order to work on Arbeitszeitapp you need to have the PostgreSQL <>_ relational database management system set up on your machine. Once you have PostgreSQL set up locally, you will need to create two databases. One is a development database that holds the data for your test users. You will use this database when running the development server as you test the application with newly developed features or bug fixes. The other database is used for the automated test suite. The names you choose for these two databases are arbitrary --- e.g., Arbeitszeitapp_dev and Arbeitszeitapp_test, respectively.

General Setup

If you are working with Nix, go to the top-level directory of the repo and enter nix develop at the command prompt. This will cause Nix to read the dependency description in nix.flake and fulfill those dependencies in a local virtual environment. If you are using venv instead, create a virtual environment with python -m venv venv Then, to execute the virtual environment source ./venv/bin/activate. Within the venv environment, install all required packages: pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

In order to run the app in development mode, you first have to define some environment variables:

.. code-block:: bash

 export FLASK_APP=arbeitszeit_flask
 export FLASK_DEBUG=1
 export DEV_DATABASE_URI="postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/<name of database>"
 export DEV_SECRET_KEY=my_secret_key
 export ARBEITSZEITAPP_TEST_DB="postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/<name of test database>"

You may find it useful to copy these shell commands into a script file and run it at the beginning of every development session. (If you do this, be sure to list your script in .gitignore so that it does not get committed into the repo.) A more pleasant alternative is to copy them into a configuration file called .envrc in the top-level directory of the repo. (This file name is already included in .gitignore.) Then, you can install the Direnv <>_ utility program on your system --- outside of your virtual environment. (If you are using venv, you can step out of the virtual environment with the deactivate command. If you are using Nix and have issued the command nix develop, you can end the Nix session simply with exit or Ctl-D.) If you choose this route, be sure to follow the Direnv setup instructions for editing your shell configuration script. Once you do this, in any new shell, when you step into the top-level directory of the repo (where .envrc resides), Direnv will automatically set the environment variables for you. If you then add the line use flake at the top of your .envrc file, Direnv will first invoke Nix and install all dependencies in the virtual environment --- automatically, every time you enter the root code directory (for the line use flake to have effect you might need to install nix-direnv). Note that the first time you use Direnv, and any time you change .envrc, you will need to run the command direnv allow to enable Direnv to proceed.

**A note for Mac users:**  You may find it convenient to place your clone
of the Arbeitszeit application code base in an iCloud directory, so that 
you can have access to the same files, in the same state, from various devices
logged into the same iCloud account.  In this case, however, the value of 
``ARBEITSZEITAPP_CONFIGURATION_PATH`` as determined above using the ``PWD`` 
environment variable may be incorrect. Once you have stepped into the 
``arbeitszeit`` directory and triggered Direnv to load the environment 
variables, check the value of ``ARBEITSZEITAPP_CONFIGURATION_PATH``:

    .. code-block:: bash


If the value is incorrect, you can hard-code your iCloud-based path as a workaround:

    .. code-block:: bash

     export ARBEITSZEITAPP_CONFIGURATION_PATH="$DIR/arbeitszeit_flask/"

The configuration file sets several variables, but you may find it convenient to get by with a smaller group of variables, whose values you can set in a top-level file,, to which you should direct Flask by means of the value of ARBEITSZEITAPP_CONFIGURATION_PATH instead of the value given above:

Here is a smaller .envrc that makes use of a

.. code-block:: bash

 use flake
 export FLASK_APP=arbeitszeit_flask
 export FLASK_DEBUG=1
 export ARBEITSZEITAPP_TEST_DB="postgresql:///<name_of_your_test_DB>"

Then, here is a sample

.. code-block:: bash

 from arbeitszeit_flask.development_settings import *

 SECRET_KEY = 'somesecretkey'
 SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql:///<name_of_your_development_DB>'

After configuring the database connection, you need to run the database migrations via flask db upgrade. It is mandatory to run this command once before developing for the first time.

Afterwards, you can start the development server with flask run.

Create a user by signing up and providing the required fields. You will be redirected to a site that asks to confirm your account creating with the link provided in your e-mail. This link can be found in the command line starting with

<a href=" until the closing quotation marks. Visit this link in your browser, and your account will be activated.

Code Formatting and Analysis

Run ./ to format Python files automatically. The script uses black and isort. Currently, the script applies automatic formatting to a limited selection of paths. You can add more paths by adding lines to .autoformattingrc.

We use type hints. You can check the consistency of the type hints via the mypy command. Furthermore flake8 is employed to prevent certain mistakes, such as unused imports or uninitialized variables. Invoke both commands without arguments to test all the eligible code.


You can run the tests by executing pytest in the root folder of this project.

You are encouraged to use the ./run-checks command before you submit changes in a pull request. This program runs flake8, mypy and the test suite.

You can generate a code coverage report at htmlcov/index.html via the command:

.. code-block:: bash

coverage run --source arbeitszeit_flask,arbeitszeit,arbeitszeit_web -m pytest && coverage html

It is possible to disable tests that require a PostgreSQL database to run via an environment variable:

.. code-block:: bash

DISABLED_TESTS="database_required" pytest

Since running tests against the database is generally very slow, we recommend that you run only the tests for the part of the application on which you are working. For example, if you are working on the business logic, you can use the following command to quickly run all the use case tests:

.. code-block:: bash

pytest tests/use_cases

When you feel confident about your changes, and you want to run all the tests, you can do so by executing ./run-checks, which will run all tests that need to pass before your code reviewers can consider merging your change into the main development branch.

Development Dependencies

We use Nix to manage the development dependencies of arbeitszeitapp. We try to leverage nixpkgs as a source for our development dependencies as much as possible, so as to reduce the required maintenance effort. Some packages, however, are currently managed outside of nixpkgs, through custom mechanisms. The Python program arbeitszeit_development/ automates this custom package management as much as possible. You can update the development dependencies via python -m arbeitszeit_development.update_dependencies.


We use Flask-Babel <>_ for translation.

. Add a new language:

.. code-block:: bash

python -m build_support.translations initialize LOCALE
# For example for adding french
python -m build_support.translations initialize fr

. Add the new language to the LANGUAGES variable in


. Mark translatable, user-facing strings in the code.

In Python files, use the following code:

.. code-block:: bash

translator.gettext(message: str)
translator.pgettext(comment: str, message: str)
translator.ngettext(self, singular: str, plural: str, n: Number)

In Jinja templates, use the following code:

.. code-block:: bash

gettext(message: str)
ngettext(singular: str, plural: str, n)

. Parse code for translatable strings (update .pot file):

.. code-block:: bash

 python -m build_support.translations extract

. Update language-specific .po files:

.. code-block:: bash

 python -m build_support.translations update

. Translate language-specific .po files. For translation

programs, see this page <>_. There is also an extension for VS Code called "gettext".

. Compile translation files (.mo-files): This is necessary if you

want to update the translations in your local development environment only. For creating build artifacts (binary and source distributions) this step is automatically done by the build system.

.. code-block:: bash

python -m build_support.translations compile


This project uses flask_profiler to provided a very basic graphical user interface for response times. More in-depth profiling information is printed to stdout (the terminal) when detailed debugging is enabled. Run the following in the same terminal as where you start the development server to enable detailed profiling:

.. code-block:: bash

export DEBUG_DETAILS=true



.. code-block:: bash

make html

in the root folder of the project to generate developer documentation, including auto-generated API docs. Open the documentation in your browser at build/html/index.html. The HTML code is generated from the top-level file README.rst, which serves as the source of truth.


Included in the source code for this project is a rudimentary framework for testing the running time of our code, called arbeitszeit_benchmark. You can run all the benchmarks via python -m arbeitszeit_benchmark. This benchmarking tool can be used to compare runtime characteristics across changes to the codebase. A contributor to the arbeitszeitapp might want to compare the results of those benchmarks from the master branch to the results from their changes. The output of this tool is in JSON.

Using a Binary Cache

You can access the binary cache hosted on cachix <> in your development environment if you are using Nix to manage your development environment. The binary cache is called "arbeitszeit". Check the cachix docs <> on how to set this up locally. The benefit of this for you is that you can avoid building dependencies that are already built once in the continuous integration (CI) pipeline.

Developing with different python versions

You can access a development environment with any of the supported python versions via nix develop. Check flake.nix for the supported environments under the key devShells. For example to enter a development shell with python3.11 set as the default interpreter run nix develop .#python311. This will drop you into a shell with python3.11 as the default python interpreter. This won't change anything else on your machine and the respective python interpreter will be garbage collected the next time you run nix-collect-garbage.

Invite Accountants

When manually filing plans in the development environment, you need at least one accountant to approve these files. You can invite accountants from the terminal, using the following command:

.. code-block:: bash

flask invite-accountant

An invitation mail will be printed to stdout containing an invite link.


We are currently developing a JSON Web API that provides access to core features of Arbeitszeitapp. Its OpenAPI specification can be found in /api/v1/doc/

.. end-development-setup-do-not-delete

.. start-license-do-not-delete


All source code is distributed under the conditions of the APGL. For the full license text, see the file LICENSE contained in this repository.

.. end-license-do-not-delete