iddhi-sulakshana / smart-agriculture-system
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Smart Agriculture System


Smart Agriculture System is a pioneering project designed to revolutionize the agricultural sector in Sri Lanka through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). This comprehensive digital platform aims to empower farmers by providing real-time access to crucial data for informed decision-making, enhancing agricultural processes, market access, and profitability.


Technologies Used

Running the System

Using Docker (Local Build)

To run the system using Docker with local builds, use the docker-compose.development.yaml configuration. This will build images from cloned codebase and run the services.

  1. Clone the project and navigate to the project directory.
    git clone
    cd smart-agriculture-system
  2. Run the following command to build and start the services:
    docker-compose -f docker-compose.development.yaml up --build
  3. This will start the Frontend on port 80, the Backend on port 3000, the Crop Recommendation System on port 2000, MongoDB database on the port 27017 and send the price forecastings to the backend automatically.

Using Docker (Pre-built Images from Docker Hub)

  1. Clone the project and navigate to the project directory.
    git clone
    cd smart-agriculture-system
  2. Run the following command to pull images and start the services:
    docker-compose up
  3. This will start the Frontend on port 80, the Backend on port 3000, the Crop Recommendation System on port 2000, MongoDB database on the port 27017 and send the price forecastings to the backend automatically.

Manual Installation

Follow these steps to set up the Smart Agriculture System locally using codebase: To Run the servers locally needs MongoDB Community Server installed on default port or change the Database URL on the environment variables called DB

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd smart-agriculture-system
  3. Install necessary packages:
    npm run install
  4. To start the Frontend, Backend, and Crop Recommendation System:
     npm start
  5. This command will start the Frontend on port 5000, the Backend on port 3000, and the Crop Recommendation System on port 2000.
  6. The Price Forecasting System is set to run automatically each week and does require manual startup if setting up in locally.
  7. Go to the Price Prediction directory
    cd models/PricePrediction
  8. Install required dependencies
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. Run the Forecasting system



    To run this backend should be up and running and once the predictions are completed all the forecasted prices will sent to the backend.

Hosting the system

For detailed deployment instructions, see the Deployment Guide.


Interested in contributing to the Smart Agriculture System? Please read through our contributing guidelines. Here, you will find directions for opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development.