is a Rust library for extracting strings from binary data. \
It also have Python bindings.
Use the package manager pip to install rust-strings
pip install rust-strings
is available on and can be included in your Cargo enabled project like this:
rust-strings = "0.6.0"
import rust_strings
# Get all ascii strings from file with minimun length of string
rust_strings.strings(file_path="/bin/ls", min_length=3)
# [('ELF', 1),
# ('/lib64/', 680),
# ('GNU', 720),
# ('.<O', 725),
# ('GNU', 756),
# ...]
# You can also set buffer size when reading from file (default is 1mb)
rust_strings.strings(file_path="/bin/ls", min_length=5, buffer_size=1024)
# You can set encoding if you need (default is 'ascii', options are 'utf-16le', 'utf-16be')
rust_strings.strings(file_path=r"C:\Windows\notepad.exe", min_length=5, encodings=["utf-16le"])
# You can set multiple encoding
rust_strings.strings(file_path=r"C:\Windows\notepad.exe", min_length=5, encodings=["ascii", "utf-16le"])
# You can also pass bytes instead of file_path
rust_strings.strings(bytes=b"test\x00\x00", min_length=4, encodings=["ascii"])
# [("test", 0)]
# You can also dump to json file
rust_strings.dump_strings("strings.json", bytes=b"test\x00\x00", min_length=4, encodings=["ascii"])
# `strings.json` content:
# [["test", 0]]
Full documentation available in
use rust_strings::{FileConfig, BytesConfig, strings, dump_strings, Encoding};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
let config = FileConfig::new(Path::new("/bin/ls")).with_min_length(5);
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);
// Extract utf16le strings
let config = FileConfig::new(Path::new("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe"))
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);
// Extract ascii and utf16le strings
let config = FileConfig::new(Path::new("C:\\Windows\\notepad.exe"))
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);
let config = BytesConfig::new(b"test\x00".to_vec());
let extracted_strings = strings(&config);
assert_eq!(vec![(String::from("test"), 0)], extracted_strings.unwrap());
// Dump strings into `strings.json` file.
let config = BytesConfig::new(b"test\x00".to_vec());
dump_strings(&config, PathBuf::from("strings.json"));
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.