idea4good / GuiLite

✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
Apache License 2.0
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Linux/arm64/v8 #62

Open RolandHughes opened 3 years ago

RolandHughes commented 3 years ago

Logged into a Toradex ARM device and tried pasting your docker command. guilite-toradex-fail

In case one has trouble seeing the image.

verdin-imx8mp-06848973:~$ docker run -it --privileged -v /dev:/dev-share idea4good/gui-lite:latest bash /
Unable to find image 'idea4good/gui-lite:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from idea4good/gui-lite
docker: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries.
See 'docker run --help'.

There are now quite a few Linux/arm64/v8 devices out there. You should probably build a container for them.