idea4good / GuiLite

✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(4 KLOC) for all platforms
Apache License 2.0
7.42k stars 804 forks source link
c cpp cross-platform display docker embedded graphics-library gui header-only iot iot-platform mcu microcontroller

Welcome to GUI-lite


The smallest header-only GUI library (4 KLOC) for all platforms.

Why GuiLite


Cross platform

Hero features

Easy to learn and support

Even a C beginner could master GUI-lite quickly. The source code only uses basic C++ features (class, virtual function). We chose C++ as it could make the code size significantly smaller and easier to read.

Demo wall

IoT feature

Monitor IoT device on cloud

Code Telemetry & Analysis in real time

Track IoT device over the world

Multi-language, Design tool and video

Lattice Font

Freetype Font

Layout GUI

Render JPG file quickly

Play video with FFmpeg

Widgets & Controller

Emulate Windows UI

Scroll widget

How to use widgets

3D Nets on Windows/Linux

Transparent dialog

Swipe view

Cross platform

HostMonitor on Windows

HostMonitor on Mac

HostMonitor on Android

HostMonitor on Windows Mixed Reality

HostMonitor on Linux

3D on Web

3D on Web

HostMonitor on iPhone

How display work

Apple platform

3D on Apple Watch

Wave on Apple Watch

Particle on iPhone

📞Community Channel

Thanks for the help from the community, you all make GUI-lite better! And welcome to any new friend to join us.