The smallest header-only GUI library (4 KLOC) for all platforms.
⚙️️Hardware Minimum Requirements:
Processor | Disk/ROM space | Memory |
24 MHZ | 29 KB | 9 KB |
sudo docker run -it --privileged -v /dev:/dev-share idea4good/gui-lite:latest bash /
Even a C beginner could master GUI-lite quickly. The source code only uses basic C++ features (class, virtual function). We chose C++ as it could make the code size significantly smaller and easier to read.
code3D on STM32 | Wave on STM32 | Particle on STM32 | Star on STM32 |
3D wave on STM32 | Keyboard on STM32 | Mario on STM32 | 3D circle on STM32 |
3D donut on STM32 | Timer | Molecule move | Pendulum effect |
Monitor IoT device on cloud | Code Telemetry & Analysis in real time |
Track IoT device over the world |
Lattice Font | Freetype Font |
Layout GUI | Render JPG file quickly |
Play video with FFmpeg |
Emulate Windows UI | Scroll widget |
How to use widgets | 3D Nets on Windows/Linux |
Transparent dialog | Swipe view |
HostMonitor on Windows | HostMonitor on Mac | HostMonitor on Android |
HostMonitor on Windows Mixed Reality | HostMonitor on Linux | 3D on Web |
3D on Web | HostMonitor on iPhone | How display work |
3D on Apple Watch | Wave on Apple Watch | Particle on iPhone |
Thanks for the help from the community, you all make GUI-lite better! And welcome to any new friend to join us.
開發群🔑:875721211 |