Pandamonkium Productions present
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-- ideamonk and yuvipanda
Purpose -
PyMos is a Python module that helps you generate a mosaic poster of an image
using a desired collection of thumbnails.
Dependencies -
* argparse met by setuptools
* PIL 1.1.6+ manual
* rtree optional
* libspatialindex needed by rtree module
Usage -
1. As a command-line tool
pymos [-h] [-z ZOOM] [-ts THUMBSIZE] [-f FUZZFACTOR] [-v] [-nc]
input output collection
Creates mosaics of a collection of images to closely match a target image
positional arguments:
input Input file
output Output file
collection Directory holding images to be mosaiced
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-z ZOOM, --zoom ZOOM Zoom Level (20)
-ts THUMBSIZE, --thumbsize THUMBSIZE
Size of the thumbnails (60)
Amount of randomness in ouput (0)
-v, --verbose Show verbose output
-nc, --new-colormap Regenerate color map
* Input files can be any standard image file supported by
PIL (Python Imaging Library) 1.1.6+
* a collection is just any folder that has many small images to build up
the mosaic
* ZOOM is the number of times input file is enlarged to make the output
file. Eg if input file is 800x600, a zoom of 10 would give you 8000x6000
* THUMBSIZE is the size of small pieces that would compose the output image.
* A colormap is generated and stored for a collection (directory) in order
to save time in regeneration. If you add new images to a collection, you
can fire pymos with -nc option to generate a new colormap which would
include the newly added images.
* How to make a collection of images ?
Well its upto you. We just saved some random thumnails from flickr.
You could use twitter API as well to fetch display pics of your friends
and make a mosaic using your followers :)
2. As a library -
Example #1 Storing to a file
from pymos.core import build_mosaic
Example #1 Getting back an image
from pymos.core import build_mosaic
foo = build_mosaic(
output_path=None, # notice the None here
PyMos on the web -
Projects using PyMos -
Feedback -
Did PyMos fail over something?
Do let us know.
Do you wish to report a big? a feedback perhaps?
Why don't you raise an issue on project page -
Or do you wish to make changes to suit it to your needs?
Fork it baby -
Look into AUTHORS for mailing us.
Btw do checkout this script to grab some images from flickr for testing it