iden3 / Wallet

SPA web wallet
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Web wallet

Implementation of the front-end for the Iden3 wallet for managing identities and claims. This webapp it's thought to be responsive and access to the cam of your device.

The application has these areas:

WARNING: All code here is experimental and WIP


Last Node LTS version (current: Node 8.11.4)

Project scripts

For running the development server:

npm run build:dev 

For running production build:

npm run build:prod

For running tests:

npm run test 

Most important technologies, libraries and framewors used

Some development decisions

Some components explanations


It's a component in which we indicate if use a pop-up or side-bar to show information. We prefer use pop-ups for direct actions: YES/NO/OK. And show content in a side-bar that can appears from left or right. This is configurable by you setting the 'type' prop of Box.


We have created our own list component. It's nothing hard. The most important is the Scrollable component which is in charge to handle whatever related to the list (call backs when some number of rows are reached, etc..)


We have our own cam component that is used by the QRSCanner. So you can use it for your convenience, not only for scan QR codes.


There is an utils file at the helpers folder. Please, place there any helper that you think we can use in the application: sort an array, capitalize a word, etc...

App state

We encourage you to use immutable.js to store any value in the app state. Immutability is the core in all this world :)

Path alias

At the webpack.config.js file you can find the alias used in the application. Please, refer there to check them and if you want to add any other.


We use Jest and Enzyme, nothing out there :) At the __tests__ folder you'll find a setup-tests file in which is placed the adapter to use with React 16. As well, you'll find the reports and the Jest snapshots. About testing it's very important to test: