idokar / TGanonymusChatBot

16 stars 6 forks source link
bot chat robot telegram


This robot's purpose is to create a chat between an admin or several admins (which could stay anonymous if would like) and users.


The robot can function as a mail box so users from all over the world send messages to the bot and are received in one place, The users don't have the ability to see other user's messages, although the admin can. The robot was created using pyrogram + tgcrypto, ponyorm, apscheduler and plate.

usage examples



  1. clone the bot git clone
  2. Navigate to the folder cd TGanonymusChatBot
  3. Install requirements.txt pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
  4. Enter to the config.ini file and edit the empty fields:
    1. Create telegram app here: for getting api_id and api_hash
    2. Create bot token using BotFather
    3. Enter the api_id, api_hash and the bot_token to the config.ini file (without using "" around the strings).
      api_id = 12345
      api_hash = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
      bot_token = 123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11
      1. Enter the session_name and the creator Telegram ID
        session_name = My_bot
        creator = 123456789
  5. Run the bot.

Bot commands

for more information use /help (as admin) in the bot.
