idotavorslab / PYANO

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Important: Always run terminal as Administrator (right click a program's icon -> run as admin)

You can also tick the following checkbox: right click cmd icon -> Properties -> Shortcut -> Advanced -> Run As Administrator.

Pyano Installation

Enable viewing hidden files on Windows Explorer

Main Explorer menu -> view -> check both "Hidden items" and "File name extensions"

Install VSCode Check all checkboxes during installation


When asked, select Use visual studio code as git's default editor. Otherwise, just press "next".

Set config

From terminal:

git config --global ""
git config --global "ITLab"

Install nvm Extract then install.

Check if installed: run

nvm -v

Should see

Running version <whatever>

Install node.js

nvm install 13.5.0

Check if installed correctly:

nvm list    

Should display 13.5.0

Clone Pyano

cd C:\
git clone

This will take a while because of the piano samples (lots of audio files).

Set local node version

From within PYANO root folder (that's C:\PYANO)

nvm use 13.5.0

Should see Now using node v13.5.0 (64-bit).

Check versions:

node -v

Should see v13.5.0.

npm -v

Should see 6.13.4.

Install Pyano

From within PYANO root folder:

npm install --save-exact

This may take a while. Then run:

git checkout node_modules/pyano_local_modules

Should see Updated <around 40> paths from the index

Install Python (3.7.6)

(specifically for windowsx64bit:

Make sure to check Add python to PATH and press Customize installation. Next -> Tick all checkboxes -> Next -> ... -> until done.

Check installation:

Close and re-open terminal (as admin), then:


Should see >>> Python 3.7.6.

To exit press Ctrl+Z then Enter.

Install virtualenv

pip install virtualenv

Check if installed correctly:

virtualenv --version

Should see:

virtualenv <whatver> from c:\program files\python37\lib\site-packages\virtualenv\

(Or something similar)

Install Pyano's python virtual environment

Create virtualenv

cd C:\PYANO\src\engine
virtualenv env

Should see something like: Then, run


Check if ok:

pip list -v

Should see:

Install requirements

Still from C:\PYANO\src\engine:

1st step

pip install -r requirements.txt

May take a while, get yourself a coffe. If it looks stuck after 5+ minutes, try pressing Enter to refresh the terminal GUI.

2nd step

pip install -e .

Now check:

pip list -v

Should see:

Install ffmpeg

If it's broken, then try:

Create dir: C:\ffmpeg Open the zip file you downloaded, double click the only dir, copy the content into C:\ffmpeg. Result:

Running Pyano

npm start


If Pyano seems stuck on launch, or loads only partially, quit Pyano.

Check for missing files

In a new terminal, go to C:\PYANO and run:

git status

If it looks like this: run

git checkout node_modules/pyano_local_modules

then run git status again to check if the deleted files are back.

Note: don't worry about other files being modified or even deleted, especially config files or subject data. Just things under node_modules are important.

Check terminal

Change to dev mode

Open DevTools via Ctrl+Y (if nothing happens, try alt-tabbing out and back in once to Pyano, then try Ctrl+Y again).

Shouldn't see any reds.