ifndefdeadmau5 / react-native-linkedin-integrate-example

just for getting used to react framework
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Integrate LinkedIn SignIn with React-Native / Android ver.


Inspired by https://github.com/jodybrewster/react-native-linkedin-login You check all of complete source code diff at here


  1. First, make sure your initial react-native app has installed properly and running on device.

  2. install package via npm

    npm install react-native-linkedin-login --save

  3. Modify RNLinkedinLoginModule.java and RNLinkedinLoginPackage.java at Android Studio

    Just replace whole code with this gist and this

  4. Modify android/settings.gradle

    You can basically follow a above(react-native-linkedin-login) github link, but you have to modify a path to set actual react-native-linkedin-login module’s path

  5. Add onActivityResult() on MainActivity.java

    See diff

  6. Modify getPackages() on MainApplication.java

    See diff

  7. Import LinkedinLogin.js

    Copy node_modules/react-native-linkedin-login/src/LinkedinLogin.js and create new folder under the root path name with ‘component’ and past it into a new file.( component/LinkedinLogin.js )

  8. Use LinkedinLogin.js on index.android.js to integrate with LinkedIn

    See diff

  9. You’re done!