ifnul / ums-admission-frontend

Frontend part for UMS system
4 stars 11 forks source link

User is not able to save "Заява". Nothing happens after ckicking "Зберегти" button. #85

Closed MPushkar closed 9 years ago

MPushkar commented 9 years ago

Nothing happens after clicking "Зберегти" button. Following error is shown in Web Console when user tries to save newly created "Заява":

16:36:15.521 "Error: currentObj is undefined addOrEditEnrolment@ $scope.sendToServer@ $parseFunctionCall@ ngEventHandler/</callback@ $RootScopeProvider/this.$get</Scope.prototype.$eval@ $RootScopeProvider/this.$get</Scope.prototype.$apply@ ngEventHandler/<@ jQuery.event.dispatch@ jQuery.event.add/elemData.handle@ "1 angular.js:11699:17 consoleLog/<() angular.js:11699 $ExceptionHandlerProvider/this.$get</<() angular.js:8628 $RootScopeProvider/this.$get</Scope.prototype.$apply() angular.js:14648 ngEventHandler/<() angular.js:21678 jQuery.event.dispatch() jquery.js:4434 jQuery.event.add/elemData.handle() jquery.js:4121

mkozhukharenko commented 9 years ago

незрозуміло як має виглядати POST запит до серверу

headers "Authorization Basic": "YWRtaW46bmltZGE=" "Content-Type": "application/json" body

  "personId": 9,
  "parentId": 0,
  "specOfferId": 134,
  "departmentId": 242,
  "personPaperId": 0,
  "enrolmentTypeId": 0,
  "begDate": "2015-07-04",
  "endDate": "2015-07-04",
  "isContract": 0,
  "mark": 0,
  "isState": 0,
  "docSeries": "DF",
  "docNum": "12",
  "docText": "",
  "isPrivilege": 0,
  "isHostel": 0,
  "isEducationState": 0,
  "isInterview": 0,
  "isOriginal": 0,
  "evDate": "2015-07-04",
  "priority": 0,
  "createDate": "2015-07-04",
  "updateDate": "2015-07-04",
  "note": "",
  "id": 0,
  "utid": "",
  "crtUser": "",
  "crtUserGroup": "",
  "uapp": "",
  "uid": 0,

повертає помилку 404

що означають поля utid, crtUser, crtUserGrou, uapp, uid ? uri не потрібен

mkozhukharenko commented 9 years ago

Потрібно на сервері додати поле markscaletype (шкала оцінювання) #52

mkozhukharenko commented 9 years ago

(!) "endDate" is required. need to be chacked

mkozhukharenko commented 9 years ago

fixed, please test

MPushkar commented 9 years ago

Was tested on Build#29.