ifnul / ums-admission-frontend

Frontend part for UMS system
4 stars 11 forks source link

Frontend part for admission system

======== This project is generated with yo angular generator version 0.11.1.

Build & development

This instruction assumes you have npm, node installed.

Clone the project then run:

1.npm install

2.npm install -g bower (once to install bower globally)

3.bower install (Before launching bower you may once need to enter: git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git://)

4.npm install -g grunt-cli (once to install grunt globally)

5.grunt serve
(credentials are login:admin password:nimda)

PS: Depending on your OS this instuction may vary


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.

Issue closing

  1. Assign issue to yourself.
  2. Clone the latest version of project to your PC.
  3. Make a local branch with id of issue and its short description.
  4. Make all necessary fixes/additions to the code and commit it.
  5. Push changes to main repository(your branch, NOT master).
  6. Notify tester where can he/she can find your updates to check.
  7. After testing and merging leave a comment containing id of pull request where it was fixed.
  8. Push "Close issue".

Back-end documentation
