ift-gftc / opentraceability

A repository for storing code for the open source traceability libraries developed by IFT.
MIT License
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Open Traceability

A repository for storing code for the open-source traceability libraries.

Funded By

These open-source libraries would not be possible without great organizations who took the initiative to fund this project. We want to give a special thanks to:

Release Notes

Version 1.4

In version 1.4, the OpenTraceability C# project was updated to target the .Net Standard 2.0 framework. This update provides support for .NET Framework versions 4.6.1 and greater while maintaining support for .NET and .NET Core 2.0+. This allows .NET framework projects to consume the OpenTraceability nuget package while preserving support for later versions of .NET such as .NET 5 and greater.

Current Supported Programming Languages / Frameworks

We currently support the following:

If you want us to support your language, please reach out to us so we can put on our to-do list.

Accessing the Packages

You can access the packges for the various languages like so:

Not happy?

If you find any issues, please contact me directly at pheggelund@ift.org and we will fix the problem the best we can.


This ReadMe file should contain documentation on how to use the libraries in C# and Java, please just keep scrolling. If you find it lacking, please let us know.

Open Traceability (C#)

This is an open-source library for handling traceability data in .NET using C#.


Before you can use the library, you need to make sure to call the correct Setup method. The Setup method defines the event and master data profiles that are used to map from C# objects to EPCIS documents and vice versa.

Because the setup method controls how objects are mapped, you must call Setup method associated with the library you are using.

To use the core library, call:

To use an extension library such as the GDST extension library:

Call the setup method in the extension library you wish to use:

And that will initialize everything you need.


We have C# models that represent the various data objects in EPCIS including events, documents, and master data. Feel free to explore them.

This library was designed so that it could easily be extended to support many new CTEs/KDEs. It was also designed so that even without an extension library, the core library can still receive CTEs/KDEs from unknown extensions and namespaces and serialize/deserialize the data without losing any information.

More information on extensions can be found in the documentation later on.

EPCIS Query Document / EPCIS Document

These two objects inherit from the same base class EPCISBaseDocument and represent the two types of documents in EPCIS. They are used to represent the XML and JSON-LD versions of the documents. The Events and Master Data are stored in the EPCISBaseDocument.Events and EPCISBaseDocument.MasterData properties respectively.

It's important to note that the EPCISBaseDocument.EPCISVersion property is used to determine the version of the document. This is important because when mapping from the models into the XML or JSON-LD formats, the version is used to determine which format to use. If you are trying to map into EPCIS XML 2.0 and not EPCIS XML 1.2, then you need to make sure that the EPCISBaseDocument.Version property is set to EPCISVersion.V2.

EPCIS Document Header

The XML format for EPCIS 1.2 and 2.0 require a Standard Business Document Header (SBDH). This is represented by the StandardBusinessDocumentHeader class. When converting from EPCIS JSON-LD into XML, you need to make sure to set this if the check schema is enabled. Otherwise, you will fail the schema validation.

You can use StandardBusinessDocumentHeader.DummyHeader to get a dummy header that you can use to pass schema validation for the XML formats.


We support mapping between EPCIS 1.2 XML, EPCIS 2.0 XML, and EPCIS 2.0 JSON-LD. Our mappers are thread-safe and are accessible from the OpenTraceability.Mappers.OpenTraceabilityMappers static object.

Reading EPCIS 1.2 XML

In order to read an EPCIS Query Document from an XML string in the EPCIS 1.2 xml format you can do the following:

// You can read an XML string representing an EPCIS 1.2 Query Document in XML format.
EPCISQueryDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.XML.Map(queryDocXmlStr);

In order to read an EPCIS Document from an XML string in the EPCIS 1.2 xml format you can do the following:

// You can read an XML string representing an EPCIS 1.2 Document in XML format.
EPCISDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.XML.Map(docXmlStr);

Reading EPCIS 2.0 XML

This is done the same way as the 1.2 XML above. It auto-detects the version and maps it to the correct object.

In order to read an EPCIS Query Document from an XML string in the EPCIS 2.0 xml format you can do the following:

// You can read an XML string representing an EPCIS 2.0 Query Document in XML format.
EPCISQueryDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.XML.Map(queryDocXmlStr);

In order to read an EPCIS Document from an XML string in the EPCIS 2.0 xml format you can do the following:

// You can read an XML string representing an EPCIS 2.0 Document in XML format.
EPCISDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.XML.Map(docXmlStr);

Reading EPCIS 2.0 JSON-LD

In order to read an EPCIS Query Document from a JSON string in the EPCIS 2.0 JSON-LD format you can do the following:

// You can read an XML string representing an EPCIS 2.0 Query Document in JSON-LD format.
EPCISQueryDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.JSON.Map(queryDocXmlStr);

In order to read an EPCIS Document from a JSON string in the EPCIS 2.0 JSON-LD format you can do the following:

// You can read an XML string representing an EPCIS 2.0 Document in JSON-LD format.
EPCISDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.JSON.Map(docXmlStr);

Convert EPCIS 1.2 XML to EPCIS 2.0 XML

This example is for reading an EPCIS Query Document, but it would work the same with EPCIS Document as well.

// read the EPCIS 1.2 XML string 
EPCISQueryDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.XML.Map(queryDocXmlStr_1_2);

// set the EPCIS version
doc.EPCISVersion = EPCISVersion.V2;

// write it back out now
string queryDocXmlStr_2_0 = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.XML.Map(doc);

Convert EPCIS 1.2 XML to EPCIS 2.0 JSON-LD

This example is for reading an EPCIS Query Document, but it would work the same with EPCIS Document as well.

// read the EPCIS 1.2 XML string 
EPCISQueryDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.XML.Map(queryDocXmlStr_1_2);

// set the EPCIS version
doc.EPCISVersion = EPCISVersion.V2;

// write it back out now
string queryDocJsonStr_2_0 = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.JSON.Map(doc);

Querying for Data

We support querying traceability and master data using a very specific flavor of communication protocols from GS1.

EPCIS Query Interface

The first interface that can be queried is for events from an EPCIS 2.0 Query Interface at the GET - /events endpoint. This is done using the EPCISTraceabilityResolver class.

In order to use this, you need:

using HttpClient = new HttpClient();

EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions options = new EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions()
    URL = new Uri(url),
    Format = _format,
    Version = _version,
    EnableStackTrace = true

EPC epc = new EPC("urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.107346.2019");
EPCISQueryParameters parameters = new EPCISQueryParameters(epc);

return await EPCISTraceabilityResolver.QueryEvents(options, parameters, client);

You can also use the trace-back feature to automatically trace-back the EPC.

using HttpClient = new HttpClient();

EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions options = new EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions()
    URL = new Uri(url),
    Format = _format,
    Version = _version,
    EnableStackTrace = true

EPC epc = new EPC("urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.107346.2019");

return await EPCISTraceabilityResolver.Traceback(options, epc, client);

GS1 Digital Link Resolver

You can also resolve master data from a GS1 Digital Link resolver with the MasterDataResolver class. This class takes in a DigitalLinkQueryOptions object that contains the URL of the resolver and also an EPCISBaseDocument and will search the EPCISBaseDocument for any master data that is not in the document but referenced in the events, and try and resolve it and add it to the document.

DigitalLinkQueryOptions options = new DigitalLinkQueryOptions()
    URL = new Uri(url),
    EnableStackTrace = true

await MasterDataResolver.ResolveMasterData(options, doc, client);

If you are using an extension library, make sure to call the Master Data Resolver implemented in that library. For example, when using the GDST Extension library, call the GDSTMasterDataResolver:

DigitalLinkQueryOptions options = new DigitalLinkQueryOptions()
    URL = new Uri(url),
    EnableStackTrace = true

await GDSTMasterDataResolver.ResolveGDSTMasterData(options, doc, client);


You can always look in our unit tests for more examples of how to use the library.

OpenTraceability for Java

These are libraries that can be used for working with EPCIS data in Java. These libraries were built using JDK11 and are written in pure Java.

The follow dependencies were used:

This documentation assumes you are familiar with EPCIS and GS1 Digital Link. Being familiar with the GDST 1.2 communication protocol is a plus as well.

This documentation is constantly being updated. If you cannot find information that you are looking for, please post an issue on GitHub.


This library can work with both EPCIS 1.2 (XML), and EPCIS 2.0 (XML/JSON-LD) and only partially implements the communication protocol from EPCIS.


These libraries were designed with EXTENSIBILITY at heart. It was designed so that adding new CTEs / KDEs would be as simple as defining models that extend the existing ones.

Current Extensions


This library provides model support for working with EPCIS data. The models can be found in the opentraceability.models and opentraceability.interfaces packages.

The core document models are:

These represent documents that act as a collection of events and master data.

Next we have the event models which are:

Which represent the core events from EPCIS.

Finally, we have the master data models which are:


It is important that you always initialize the libraries prior to using them or you could have unexpected behavior.

In order to initialize the core libraries you need to call:


This call uses locking and also will not execute more than once. If you call it a second time, it will do nothing.


We provide mappings for:

All of the mappers are accessed via a static object at opentraceability.mappers.OpenTraceabilityMappers.

Mapping EPCIS XML 1.2/2.0

You can map an XML string to/from an EPCIS Query Document like so:

EPCISQueryDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.XML.map(xmlStr, true);
String xmlStrAfter = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.XML.map(doc);

You can map an XML string to/from an EPCIS Document like so:

EPCISDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.XML.map(xmlStr, true);
String xmlStrAfter = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.XML.map(doc);

The version of the XML is controlled via the version property on the EPCISDocument/EPCISQueryDocument. When mapping from XML, it is detected by the namespace that is used.

Mapping EPCIS JSON-LD 2.0

You can map an JSON-LD string to/from an EPCIS Document like so:

EPCISDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.JSON.map(jsonStr, true);
String jsonStrAfter = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.JSON.map(doc);

You can map a JSON-LD string to/from an EPCIS Query Document like so:

EPCISQueryDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.JSON.map(jsonStr, true);
String jsonStrAfter = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISQueryDocument.JSON.map(doc);

Mapping Master Data to/from GS1 Web Vocab JSON-LD

Below is how you would map a Trade Item in the GS1 Web Vocab JSON-LD format into a Trade Item object and back into the JSON-LD.

// map into a trade item
TradeItem tradeitem = (TradeItem)OpenTraceabilityMappers.MasterData.GS1WebVocab.map(TradeItem.class, jsonStr);

// map back into json
String jsonStrAfter = OpenTraceabilityMappers.MasterData.GS1WebVocab.map(tradeitem);

Below is how you would map a Location in the GS1 Web Vocab JSON-LD format into a Location object and back into the JSON-LD.

// map into a location
Location loc = (Location)OpenTraceabilityMappers.MasterData.GS1WebVocab.map(Location.class, jsonStr);

// map back into json
String jsonStrAfter = OpenTraceabilityMappers.MasterData.GS1WebVocab.map(loc);

Below is how you would map a Trading Party in the GS1 Web Vocab JSON-LD format into a Trading Party object and back into the JSON-LD.

// map into a trading party
TradingParty tradingParty = (TradingParty)OpenTraceabilityMappers.MasterData.GS1WebVocab.map(TradingParty.class, jsonStr);

// map back into json
String jsonStrAfter = OpenTraceabilityMappers.MasterData.GS1WebVocab.map(tradingParty);

Querying for Data

Our libraries also support the ability to query for data using our clients. The communication protocol is based on the communication protocol from GDST that utilizes the EPCIS 2.0 Query Interface and GS1 Digital Link to query for events and then resolve master data.

EPCIS Query Interface

Our libraries only support querying the EPCIS Query Interface GET - /events end point which allows you to submit filters via query paramters in the URL.

You can query for events using the EPCISTraceabilityResolver class which is static. This class will allow you to perform two functions:

The query for events will only perform the query you specify, where the traceback will attempt to traceback the history of the product through it's source-products.

Querying Events

They EPCISTraceabilityResolver.queryEvents will only execute a query using the specified paramters.

If you are not familiar with the parameters, please read about them in the EPCIS 2.0 standard.

// load our EPCIS document
String data = ReadTestData(filename);
EPCISDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.JSON.map(data);
String blob_id = client.postEPCISDocument(doc);

EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions options = new EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions();
options.version = EPCISVersion.V2;
options.format = EPCISDataFormat.JSON;
options.url = URI.create("<enter EPCIS query interface endpoint here...>");
options.enableStackTrace = true; // this can help with debugging...

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

// for each product in the document, query for all events relating to that product
for (IEvent e : doc.events) {
    for (EventProduct p : e.getProducts()) {

        // shortcut for creating query paramters with the EPC set to either MATCH_anyEPC or MATCH_anyEPCClass
        EPCISQueryParameters parameters = new EPCISQueryParameters(p.EPC);

        // query for all events related to this EPC
        EPCISQueryResults results = EPCISTraceabilityResolver.queryEvents(options, parameters, client);

        // we can access our results with results.Document. This is null in the event of an error.
        EPCISQueryDocument resultsDoc = results.Document;

        // we can access errors with results.Errors
        Boolean hasErrors = results.Errors.size() > 0;


Traceback is a common querying pattern in traceability data querying. This documentation will not explain the concept, however the high level is that you will query for all events relating to Product A, then scan for any inputs/children in the returned traceability data and repeat until no more unknown inputs/children remain.

This can be accessed using EPCISTraceabilityResolver.traceback method.

// load our EPCIS document
String data = ReadTestData(filename);
EPCISDocument doc = OpenTraceabilityMappers.EPCISDocument.JSON.map(data);
String blob_id = client.postEPCISDocument(doc);

EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions options = new EPCISQueryInterfaceOptions();
options.version = EPCISVersion.V2;
options.format = EPCISDataFormat.JSON;
options.url = URI.create("<enter EPCIS query interface endpoint here...>");
options.enableStackTrace = true; // this can help with debugging...

OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

// for each product in the document, query for all events relating to that product
for (IEvent e : doc.events) {
    for (EventProduct p : e.getProducts()) {

        // do a traceback on a specific EPC. on top of specifying the EPC, you can also specify additional EPCIS query
        // parameters, however in this case, we do not.
        EPCISQueryResults results = EPCISTraceabilityResolver.traceback(options, p.EPC, client, null);

        // we can access our results with results.Document. This is null in the event of an error.
        EPCISQueryDocument resultsDoc = results.Document;

        // we can access errors with results.Errors
        Boolean hasErrors = results.Errors.size() > 0;

Global Dialogue on Seafood Traceability (GDST)

Model extensions as well as a GDST Master Data Resolver have been added to the OpenTraceability libraries to support the CTE/KDE matrix from GDST.

This includes the following model extensions:

These examples are for Java, but will apply for the other libraries as well.

In order to use the extension you need to call:

// this will also call the core initlaization if you did not already

After this, as you deserialize EPCIS data into EPCIS Document and EPCIS Query Documents, you will find the objects in the events field are now instances of the GDST event models providing they match the event profile specified by the GDST standard.

For the master data, you will now receive back locations as an instance of GDSTLocation instead of Location even if you request Location in the mapper like:

// map into a location
Location loc = (Location)OpenTraceabilityMappers.MasterData.GS1WebVocab.map(Location.class, jsonStr);

If you look in the source code at opentraceability.gdst.Setup.Initialize() you will find where we define the profiles.

opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTFishingEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "urn:gdst:bizStep:fishingEvent", EventAction.ADD));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTTransshipmentEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "urn:gdst:bizStep:transshipment", EventAction.OBSERVE));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTLandingEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "urn:gdst:bizstep:landing", EventAction.OBSERVE));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTHatchingEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "urn:gdst:bizstep:hatching", EventAction.ADD));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTFarmHarvestEvent.class, EventType.TransformationEvent, "urn:gdst:bizstep:farmharvest"));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTProcessingEvent.class, EventType.TransformationEvent, "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning"));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTProcessingEvent.class, EventType.TransformationEvent, "https://ref.gs1.org/cbv/BizStep-commissioning"));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTReceiveEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:receiving", EventAction.OBSERVE));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTReceiveEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "https://ref.gs1.org/cbv/BizStep-receiving", EventAction.OBSERVE));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTShippingEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:shipping", EventAction.OBSERVE));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTShippingEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "https://ref.gs1.org/cbv/BizStep-shipping", EventAction.OBSERVE));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTAggregationEvent.class, EventType.AggregationEvent, "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:packing", EventAction.ADD));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTAggregationEvent.class, EventType.AggregationEvent, "https://ref.gs1.org/cbv/BizStep-packing", EventAction.ADD));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTDisaggregationEvent.class, EventType.AggregationEvent, "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:unpacking", EventAction.DELETE));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTDisaggregationEvent.class, EventType.AggregationEvent, "https://ref.gs1.org/cbv/BizStep-unpacking", EventAction.DELETE));

// The feedmill event is special in the sense that it requires a KDE profile to detect.
// We know it is a feedmill event when it has the proteinSource KDE in the ILMD.
List<OpenTraceabilityEventKDEProfile> feedmillKDEProfile = new ArrayList<>();
feedmillKDEProfile.add(new OpenTraceabilityEventKDEProfile("extension/ilmd/" + (Constants.GDST_XNAMESPACE + "proteinSource"), "ilmd/" + (Constants.GDST_XNAMESPACE + "proteinSource"), "ilmd.gdst:proteinSource"));

opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTFeedmillTransformationEvent.class, EventType.TransformationEvent, "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning", feedmillKDEProfile));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTFeedmillTransformationEvent.class, EventType.TransformationEvent, "https://ref.gs1.org/cbv/BizStep-commissioning", feedmillKDEProfile));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTFeedmillObjectEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning", EventAction.ADD, feedmillKDEProfile));
opentraceability.Setup.registerEventProfile(new OpenTraceabilityEventProfile(GDSTFeedmillObjectEvent.class, EventType.ObjectEvent, "https://ref.gs1.org/cbv/BizStep-commissioning", EventAction.ADD, feedmillKDEProfile));

opentraceability.Setup.registerMasterDataType(GDSTLocation.class, Location.class);