iggy-ziggy / Nightcap-V2

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An app to help users discover cocktails with the help of their peers.
Upon profile creation, users can view and create reviews of cocktails.

Table of Contents

User Story

AS a cocktail consumer
I WANT to be able to discover good quality cocktails at bars and restaurants
SO I can learn about and experience new drinks with my friends.

Acceptance Criteria

GIVEN the user is not a registered user
WHEN they arrive to the landing page
THEN they are prompted to login or signup.
GIVEN a registered user is logged in,
WHEN the user enters their profile page
THEN they are able to see their cocktail reviews and
AND post a new cocktail review containing a drink name, business name, cocktail description, photo, rating, and date
AND upload or change their profile picture.
GIVEN the user sees a review by another user
THEN they can comment on that review
AND other users can comment to create a discussion.

Live Site



alt text="Screenshot"



  1. npm i
  2. npm run seed
  3. npm run build
  4. npm run develop
