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Cosmology using P1D - small scale clustering of the Lyman alpha forest
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Allow for correlations between redshift bins in P1D #12

Open andreufont opened 4 years ago

andreufont commented 4 years ago

Irsic et al. (2017) provides a covariance for different redshift bins, and Karacayli will do as well.

Owr p1d_data_base assumes that we have a list of covariances for each redsfhit, we might need to update that at some point.

For now we are ignoring correlations between redshifts.

andreufont commented 1 year ago

This is relevant both for high-resolution P1D from Karacayli et al. (2022), and from DESI mock tests

andreufont commented 1 year ago

Even more relevant now that we have QMLE P1D from DESI EDR in Karacayli et al. (2023), we should add these!
