igmhub / cup1d

Cosmology using P1D - small scale clustering of the Lyman alpha forest
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Cosmology using P1D - small scale clustering of the Lyman alpha forest

This repository contains some tools to perform the last steps of a cosmological analysis of the 1D power spectrum (P1D) of the Lyman alpha forest.

It uses the LaCE emulator (https://github.com/igmhub/LaCE), and some extra tools to run MCMC analyses on cosmological and IGM parameters for a mock P1D measurement.

If you would like to collaborate, please email Andreu Font-Ribera (afont@ifae.es) or Jonas Chaves-Montero (jchaves@ifae.es).


conda create -n cup1d -c conda-forge python=3.11 camb mpich mpi4py fdasrsf pip=24.0
conda activate cup1d

Follow the instructions from https://github.com/igmhub/cup1d

git clone https://github.com/igmhub/cup1d.git
cd cup1d
pip install -e
git clone https://github.com/igmhub/LaCE.git
cd LacE
pip install -e .[explicit]
pip install -e .[gpy]


jupytext --to ipynb notebooks/*/*.py
pip install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name cup1d --display-name cup1d

NERSC users:

MPICC="cc -shared" pip install --force-reinstall --no-cache-dir --no-binary=mpi4py mpi4py

Nyx users:

 "env": {

For convenience, you could also add the Nyx path as an environment variable. The Nyx data is located at NERSC in


Notebooks / tutorials

You can run the notebooks in notebooks. You can find the main tutorial to run your own analysis in notebooks/tutorials/sample_sim.py

You can also plot many P1D measurements stored in the repo, by looking at notebooks/p1d_measurements

You can also redo old neutrino mass constraints by importance sampling WMAP and Planck chains, following notebooks/planck

You can also play with the LaCE emulator with the notebooks in notebooks/emulator

Forecasting script

You can use the script scripts/sam_sim.py to run you own analyses. It is fully parallelized using MPI.