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Cosmology using P1D - small scale clustering of the Lyman alpha forest
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Add DLA model #56

Open jchavesmontero opened 8 months ago

andreufont commented 1 month ago

After reviewing the literature, I think it is clear that we will want to have different flavours of HCD contamination model.

For instance, I think we should start by adding the HCD model of McDonald et al. (2005), using something like this: P_total(k) = P_Lya(k) * [ 1 + A_HCD f_HCD(k) ] with f_HCD(k) = 1 / (15000 k - 8.9) + 0.018 This is actually a fitting function presented in Palanque-Delabrouille et al. (2015), I checked that in this form it reproduces qualitatively well the plots from McDonald et al. (2005).

Later, we might want to add a HCD model inspired by Rogers et al. (2017), since the model from McDonald et al. (2005) is not valid when masking DLAs.

From Rogers et al. we might want to have both a "total contamination" and a "residual contamination" model as in their Fig 5, but it is not entirely clear how to implement it.