ignaciocastro / a-dove-is-dumb

Easily block Adobe telemetry checking domains. Continuously Updated. Useful for HostsMan / SwitchHosts / Pi-hole users ✨
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
279 stars 13 forks source link
blocklist hosts illustrator photoshop pihole premiere-pro
click to open [/127](https://a.dove.isdumb.one/127 "Alternative using instead of") [/cdn](https://a.dove.isdumb.one/cdn "Served from jsDelivr") [/fastly](https://a.dove.isdumb.one/fastly "Served from jsDelivr's Fastly mirror (对中国用户有用)") [/pihole](https://a.dove.isdumb.one/pihole "Optimized for Pi-hole users (No IP before domain)") [/winhosts](https://a.dove.isdumb.one/winhosts "Follows Microsoft Windows' default hosts file format") _Latest update: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 16:46:45 UTC_ _NEW: Join the Telegram channel for updates [here](https://a.dove.isdumb.one/telegram)._ Quick, easy and painless way of blocking Adobe's telemetry checking servers. Updated continuously, without blocking other network-required features.


Normal usage (manual updates) - Copy the contents from the list to your hosts file, located in C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts. - If your hosts file is the default one, you can use the Windows formatted list and copy and paste everything instead
HostsMan users (Automatic updates) - HostsMan users can't use CDN / Pi-hole URLs because of the program's request headers requirements. 1. Open HostsMan as Administrator 2. Click on Hosts > Manage Update Sources -> Add source 3. Fill with the following information - Name: Adobe is dumb - File name or URL: https://a.dove.isdumb.one or https://a.dove.isdumb.one/127 - Name of hosts file: Leave blank - Import Comments: Enabled - Import Possible Hijacks: Use global settings 4. Click on OK > Close > Configure Updater 5. Check "Automatically check and download new hosts file updates", Apply > Ok 6. Click on "Check for Updates"
SwitchHosts users (Automatic updates) 1. Open SwitchHosts as administrator 2. Click on + > Select Hosts type as "Remote" 3. Fill with the following information - Hosts title: Adobe is dumb - File name or URL: Any URL available at the beggining (CDNs included) - Auto refresh: 24 hours if using normal URLs, 1 hour if using CDNs 4. Click on OK > Right click on the name > Refresh 5. Click on the toggle to enable it
hostsmgr users (Automatic updates) 1. Add your preferred URL to hosts_sources.dat 2. Run hostsmgr to update
Pi-Hole users (Automatic updates) 1. Open the Pi-hole dashboard > Adlists 2. Fill with the following information - Address: https://a.dove.isdumb.one/pihole - Comment: Adobe is dumb 3. Click "Add", then run `pihole -g` or update gravity online.


It's been X hours/days/weeks/months since this last updated! Is this list deprecated / abandoned?

Not at all. This list is usually weeks ahead of Adobe's domain switches, so it doesn't need to continuously update. The only times you'll see a recent push would be:

My preferred program is not letting me use the list!

This can happen with programs that do not support 301 redirects as the source URL. You can use the following direct URLs instead:

List of direct URLs (Click to expand) - Default: https://a.dove.isdumb.one/list.txt - Alternative ( https://a.dove.isdumb.one/127.txt - CDN: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/list.txt - Fastly: https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/list.txt - Pihole: https://a.dove.isdumb.one/pihole.txt - Microsoft Windows hosts: https://a.dove.isdumb.one/winhosts.txt

It was working fine and now I'm getting / I'm still getting the "Unlicensed program" window / I have a new subdomain to submit

Adobe tends to update their telemetry checking subdomain every two weeks. Feel free to open an issue if you already tried updating the list and nothing happened. It'd be appreciated if you could use Fiddler / Charles Proxy when opening the program, sort by "/integritychecker/machineevents/v1" and include the subdomain it was requested from. Please include the URL as text instead of just pasting a screenshot, your submission will be rejected if you don't paste the URL.

I'm in a country where Github / Cloudflare is slow or blocked / 我所在的国家Github/Cloudflare速度慢或被屏蔽

jsDelivr URL should redirect you to a suitable mirror according to your latency / country. If you still can't access any option, please open an issue.


镜像列表(单击展开) - Fastly镜像: [违约](https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/list.txt) | [备选方案(](https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/127.txt) | [Pi-hole](https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/pihole.txt) | [Microsoft Windows hosts](https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/winhosts.txt) - Gcore镜像: [违约](https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/list.txt) | [备选方案(](https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/127.txt) | [Pi-hole](https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/pihole.txt) | [Microsoft Windows hosts](https://gcore.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/winhosts.txt) - Quantil镜像: [违约](https://quantil.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/list.txt) | [备选方案(](https://quantil.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/127.txt) | [Pi-hole](https://quantil.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/pihole.txt) | [Microsoft Windows hosts](https://quantil.jsdelivr.net/gh/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb@latest/winhosts.txt) - Ghproxy: [违约](https://gh-proxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb/main/list.txt) | [备选方案(](https://gh-proxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb/main/127.txt) | [Pi-hole](https://gh-proxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb/main/pihole.txt) | [Microsoft Windows hosts](https://gh-proxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ignaciocastro/a-dove-is-dumb/main/winhosts.txt)


They are not necessary, but always appreciated! Your contribution will help me pay for the API services I use to continuously find subdomains, plus the yearly domain price.

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